Thanksgiving Special!?

Start from the beginning


I pull on my sneakers and coat, then I help Tadashi into hers and we head out the door. I meet Gray outside and he grabs my hand.
"Gray... You're not wearing anything?"
He blushed and looks down.
"Yes, I am..." He looks at me confused.
"Where is your jacket? You're going to freeze!" He sweat-dropped and pulls me away from my apartment.
"I'm not going to freeze, y/n. I'm an ice mage." I laugh and facepalm. "Where are we going?" I ask, as he leads me through the city.
"We're going to play football with the guild." I pump my fists and pull him into a shadow.
"Well, let's pick up the pace! We need to get there fast if we want a good team." I tell him as I start to jump the shadows. We arrive quickly and Gray leans over and puts his hands on his knees.
"Why did we need to do that?" He pants, looking up at me.
I laugh and grab his hands. "Sorry, Elsa. Next time, I'll let you know before we start to have fun." I joke and pull him into the guild.
"That was not fun." He pouts.
I drag him with me as I scout for good players. "Elfman... Laxus...Mira...Erza... Dashi... Anyone else?" I ask him.
He shrugs. "Maybe we should ask Gajeel too?"
I nod and quickly find Jeel in the corner with Lilly.
"Jeel, Lilly... You're going to be in our team and we are going to win~" I inform them and they nod in sinc. "Meet us with the rest of the team at the bar... In about 5 minutes." 
Gajeel gives me a thumbs up and Lilly nods. I head to Gramps to discuss my team.
"That sounds like quite the team. You'll be against Natsu, Lucy, Evergreen, Juvia, Fried, Brickslow, Happy, Wendy, and Carla. I'll go over the rules in 15 minutes so meet with your team now."
I nod and head over to my team. Elfman, Laxus, Erza, Mira, Gray, Gajeel, Tadashi, and Lilly were all waiting for me at the bar. We get in a huddle and I tell them my plan.

"Okay, we're going to be against Natsu, Lucy, Evergreen, Juvia, Freed, Brickslow, Happy, Wendy, and Carla. Laxus, Gajeel and Elfman, I'll need you to defend. Erza, Dashi, and Lilly will be offense. Mira will be the quarter back and Gray will be the hiker. I'll try to do what ever needs to be done. We need to watch out for Natsu. He is not going to play fair. Neither is Evergreen. Elfman, watch her. That shouldn't be difficult for you." I tease and make him blush and start to studder.
"I kid, I kid... Okay, our team name is The Terrific Turkeys. Hand in and Terrific Turkeys on three."
We all put our hand in the middle and I shout. "1...2...3..." We all shout on top of our lungs, "Terrific Turkeys!"
"Let's go!!" I say pumping my arms, "We're going to win this year, You better believe it!"
Gramps gathers everyone and tells us the rules.
"No magic, no fighting, no tripping, don't be sore losers. And most important have fun. I don't want this to be a source of conflict for the guild so don't be too competitive." He looks at me and I shrug.
"Let's go play football!" He yells and we all push each other to get to the field. Our teams huddle on each side and Gramps calls the team captains over. I walk to him, Lucy meeting us from the other side of the field. We flip a coin and I start with the ball.
"Shake hands, Ladies. Let's get this game started."
I look at Lucy and offer her a hand shake. She sighs and puts her hand in mine.We shook put hands once and then went to meet our teams.

Time skip

The game was in the bottom of the 4th quarter and tied 15 to 15. We had the ball and we were at the 65. I call for a time out and huddle with my team.
"Okay, Laxus is going to be quarter. I need Mira and Gray to protect me. I'll run to the end zone and Laxus needs to throw it to me. I need everyone else to hold the other team back." We puts our hands in. "1...2...3..."
"Terrific Turkeys!~"
We set back up and I make eye contact with Gray. He smiles at me and mouths, You got this!
I blush and nod at him. I takeoff to the end zone, pushing through the other team. I turn my head to see Laxus chuck the ball at me. It's too high! I look around and see Fried turned facing the wrong direction. "Sorry, Fried!" I call out to him and I climb up his body and catch the ball. I kick off of him and sprint to the end zone. I dodge Lucy's attempt to grab me and I reach my destination.

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