Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Rendezvous


"Should we go back?

Back to the past when there's just us?

Or should we walk forward?

And never look back?"


She was meant to be their bride all along.

It had to be that.

Then who is Yui Komori?

Was she simply collateral damage? The Plan B? But Yui has Cordelia's heart. This simply means that the eligible bride is her.

Is that the reason the girl was given to the Mukami? Because she was their bride?

The violet-haired male took a sip from his glass of liquor, letting the smooth texture of the alcohol slide down his throat. The sun was already up high and every human had already started with their daily activities. He was supposed to be asleep but he couldn't stop thinking about her fate.

"But does it even matter?" he asked himself.

It doesn't matter if she was a sacrificial bride. It doesn't matter if he orchestrated everything. He wants to be with her. And he was willing to put everything behind for her. His desire for revenge and acceptance matters no longer.

She's what he only needs.

He hoisted two vials at eye level and slowly twisted them to admire its crimson color.

One vial would let her retrieve all her memories.

The other one would make them lose what makes them inhuman.

If she is to choose him, they can live their life normally until death claims them.


"Ugh, what the--" the girl groaned, tossing on her bed as she kept her eyes closed.

Her head ached and her throat had never felt this sore before. Blindly, she patted the area around her to grab on a pillow and place it on top of her throbbing head.

The sweet smell of fabric softener hit her nose and it somehow alleviated her headache. Perhaps, Kou recently changed their sheets.


She and Kou broke up.

She was homeless.

Where in the world is she?

She sat up in an instant, groaning in pain as her head didn't appreciate such a gesture. 

"Sh*t. I'll never drink ever again," she grumbled.

As if she was going to uphold a promise that will keep her liver healthy.

Despite her limited blurred vision, she looked around the unfamiliar place and tried to decipher where she was.

Expensive furniture littered the bedroom area. A large table which consisted of a laptop, gigantic drawing tablet, and multiple sketchpads sat in a corner. Aside from those modern-esque pieces of equipment, the other items seemed to have sprouted from a Victorian-era book.

There was no way that this expensive-looking room is a hotel room she can afford and it's pretty impossible for it to be a motel room.

"How the hell..." she trailed off as she noticed her lack of clothing, "Oh..."

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