Author's Note

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Oh wow.

It's done.


Can I just share the fact that I wrote this when I was 18 and about to graduate from high school?

And now I'm writing this at 22 and I'm about to graduate with my college degree.

Life has been busy for yours truly.

The pandemic did a number on me and studies aren't exactly rainbows and rays of sunshine.

But hey, it's finished!

At last!

I'm sorry that I held onto the plot twist for years.

I can feel your confusion with the consecutive endings that were presented upon you.

Some may be frustrated because, what the fuck right?

No one seemed happy in the end.

It wasn't a happy ending.

But I'd like to believe that the happy ending may be defined by you. Originally, I wanted three endings for each character. The "happy", "sad" and "epilogue". But I wanted to write something subversive enough for my palate.

I wanted to touch on the problematic aspects of the Diabolik Lovers as a whole. Their love was never healthy and I wanted to emphasize that.  They may have their moments but ultimately, it's... a sad example of love.

The brothers are broken. Their love is broken

And a woman that would last under their broken love is someone broken as well.



Why not me, right? Muehe.

That said, I hope you enjoyed my book. This might be my last work on this site for now :D. I'm currently working on a dating game but I will keep it to my chest until I work the logistics out.

That's all.

I love you.

P.S If you have any questions, just ask and I'll answer! Ciao!

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