Unknown Fear

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I couldn't believe in two weeks I would not be here anymore.

At school I hung out with my gang and tried to spend every ounce of my time with them which made things slightly tolerate able; we bunked classes, smoked at the back and spent evenings at Immy's and pretended I wasn't leaving.

At home it was like a blurry nightmare. If we weren't arguing I was walking around like a zombie and despising everything I encountered from human to object or food. The walls of my house were laughing at me cruelly and shelter in my room was a small comfort where I could mourn in peace.

I hardly saw my dad the past week because mostly he was busy with office resignation and stuff and when he was in, I was out.My mom tried to reason me out but that was impossible. Our arguments started off with her attempts to talk me into eating, then reason me into accepting our travel going forth with me yelling the place down until throwing the stubborn statement that I was NOT going,no matter what and finally succumbing to furious tears and hating my parents with every fiber of my body.

As I returned home as usual around midnight,slamming into the house and not caring about it my eyes fell as usual on the schedule my mom had taped on the fridge which composed of pre- leaving chores for every member of the house except for me which was only logical because if I deny the very idea of leaving... pre chores can go die for all I care.I groaned loudly and went up to my room when my mom called me from the kitchen.

She was in the kitchen sitting in the dark? Sneaky.

I ignored her and she came hurrying outside, her face anxious. "It's way too late to come home honey.Please don't do this."

So its please now.Normally its a fit and a lot of swearing. 

"I don't care."

"Kat. I cannot have you coming home this late.I will have to be..strict..for that.For your own good you know."

" I don't care."

"I won't see you come late tomorrow and.. did you have dinner?"

"Yeah." I turned to dash upstairs before she could aggravate me with her pathetic voice but she caught my arm.

"Honey this is not helping.Not you.Not me, not anybody! I simply won't watch you suffer like that.You need to ease up and think.."

Ease up.Everybody is telling me that. Because they don't have one clue what I'm going through.It is my mind that is so frustrated, it would break into a million pieces.And I am not eve exaggerating.

"Then don't take me with you." I told her.

"You know I can't.You are our daughter."

"Then don't pretend you care because I come home late or because I don't eat and for goddamn's sake don't tell me to ease up okay? I don't wanna go.End of story." 

" Kat. I'm not pretending. I do care and you know that.You are old enough to understand that we have to go.Dad has to leave here and join his company over there and its obvious that dad can't go alone.We have to go.No choice.Try to see it positively.The bright side of ugly things only the wise can see..."

"Don't give me that philosopher shit.There is no positive side here.This is our home town.We can stay if we want to and dad can work somewhere else.I'm not stupid okay?You just want to go because you might get some extra money but what about my life?" I shouted.

She closed her eyes.

And don't start the emotional blackmail woman.

"We are going.Now instead of ruining your last days here sweetie please try to forget about that.This is effecting everybody.Me, your dad, Alisa, your friends, everybody."

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