"You did a perfect job in doing that. It looks mouth-watering even known it's just a simple dish." grinned Samantha and she picked up her spoon. Silently she begun to eat and even got a slight blush. She was startled with how good it tasted. She figured it must be because it was a miracle of Aziraphale.

Aziraphale glanced at her and hid his satisfied smile behind his book. He saw how much she was enjoying and it gave him a deep warm glow in his heart.

As he was about to concentrate on his book again he felt Crowley stir and he looked down as the demon slowly woke up. "Hello darling." he said kind and soft. "I hope you had a splendid rest?"
Crowley yawned and stretched, then he slowly sat up and messed a hand through his already messy hair. "Yeah, I did. I was on the best place on earth though so it's not hard for me to do that." he said, showing a sexy grin at Aziraphale.
Aziraphale got a rosy blush on his cheeks and he shyly glanced down at his book. "W-why thank you."

Crowley let out a soft chuckle and he stood up now. He looked in his reflection in the window and ran his hand smoothly through his hair. Suddenly it looked perfectly fine and sexy with a casual miracle. "yknow what? I think I'll go for a scroll. I don't like being inside for so long. My legs need a stretch."
Aziraphale nodded. "I understand that. Go ahead. I'll watch Samantha. I can amuse myself here more than enough. I still haven't read all of the books I own. And some I want to read again to understand them better."
Crowley hummed. "You and your internal love for books. I don't understand how you can stay concentrated for so long. But then again, would be boring if we would be the same, right?" he joked.
Aziraphale nodded. "Indeed dear."
Samantha looked up at Crowley too and swallowed a bite. "Have fun Crowley."
"Don't worry, I know how to amuse myself in this city." grinned Crowley and he sauntered at the door. "See ya."

With those words Crowley opened the door and slipped outside. Aziraphale and Samantha watched him leave, then placed their attention back to their business. Samantha finishing her breakfast, Aziraphale reading a book and making notes on a paper beside it.

Samantha finished her breakfast soon and idled a while with her tea in her hands, then she decided to pick up one of the books she had been reading and went on in it. She asked a few questions about some of the subjects described in the book and Aziraphale was eager to answer. Eventually they got into a discussion about the book in general, having quite some fun doing so. Aziraphale laid his book away after a while and got up, standing beside Samantha to point out a few sentences and to bring a few other books in with reference material to make her understand the subject better. Samantha was amazed once again by the immense knowledge the angel had. She realised he must have been reading since the moment humanity had invented words and how to put them down on stone and later on paper. She recalled one of last night's conversations about the library of Alexandria before it burned down and how Aziraphale had been a mentor and knowledge keeper there. She could imagine the information he had learned there. After a bit more of talking Aziraphale scratched his back and shivered, then he hummed. "Say Samantha?"
She curiously looked up at the angel. "Yes?"
"Would you mind if I would take some time grooming my wings? Even if we angels and demons don't have them out, the base where they are hidden gets itchy and we have to take care of them from time to time."
Samantha's eyes begun to sparkle. "You mean I actually get to see your wings? Of course I won't mind!" the said excited.
Aziraphale seemed amused and nervous at the same time. "Oh, err.... I didn't expect that reaction. I don't know if I..."
Samantha frowned and realised she had been perhaps a bit too much of a weird fangirl. She sighed. "Sorry Aziraphale. That's my fault. I didn't mean to react this excited. I promise to keep calm. Please don't be unnerved by me.", she said and looked apologetic, yet hopeful at the angel.
Aziraphale observed her reaction and thought for a short while, then nodded. "Okay, apologise accepted. I see you didn't mean to startle me.", he smiled and sat down. "All right now. Pay attention."
Samantha looked curiously at the angel, who half closed his eyes and concentrated on his form. His pure white wings unfolded from his back like the opening of a sail in the wind. A few down feathers swirled through the air and floated downwards by the sudden unfolding of the wings. Samantha fell silent and her mouth opened half as she stared at the beautiful strong wings of the angel. Somewhere deep in her belly she had the urge to bow her head and say a soft prayer, even though she wasn't religiously raised. Aziraphale's blessed energy swept through the room a little stronger now, as if the wings itself radiated it. He now opened his eyes again and smiled slight at Samantha, which left her even more speechless. She gasped soft for air as she had forgotten to breath. "Oh my god." she whispered under her breath. "Y-you are... This is... Beautiful." she concluded, not able to find better words to describe Aziraphale's current state.

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