Chapter 18: 'Fight or Flight'

Start from the beginning

As they passed, he glanced out to see Leona walking down the hallway away from him, a seemingly different gun in her hand.

His eyes widened, "Ari." He muttered in fear, bolting out the door and down where Leona had come from once she'd disappeared from view.

Claire ran, reaching what she seemed to recognize where everyone had originally waited to get interrogated, the large looming bookshelves giving it away.

She cursed under her breath, turning around to leave when she heard loud footsteps.

Her heart skipped what felt like five beats, and she quickly ducked behind one of the bookshelves, putting a hand over her mouth to try and silence her own panicked breaths.

She listened closely as the steps drew louder and louder, her heart pounding a little more with every step.

She squeezed her eyes shut shaking in fear as she felt more tears run down her face.

The steps then went quiet.

She tried to hold her breath, slowly opening her eyes as she frantically scanned around where she was, not seeing anyone.

"Hey doll."

She screamed, whipping around, her back hitting a bookshelf harshly as she saw Juno standing next to the bookshelf she was hiding behind.

"S-s-stay, the hell, away, f-from me." She managed to get out, her voice and words shaky as she slowly made her way away from Juno who just watched her quietly.

"I would not say this was the best place to look for an escape you know, literally no windows anywhere." He said calmly, his eyes flicking around the room then back to Claire.

"L-look, Juno, just... let me, go." She said, shaking even more but trying desperately to control her wild voice right now.

She ducked back behind the first bookshelf, the door in her sights as Juno stepped back out again in front of her.

"Come one, where's the sarcastic response and eye roll? If this is the last time we'll ever see each let's make it count huh doll?"

Claire's heart dropped as he said 'last time'.

She held her hands up and backed away slowly as he raised the gun up at her.

"Please don't." She half sobbed, half begged, cowering back against the wall, closing her eyes tightly again.

She waited a few moments, a few agonizing terrifying moments, before slowly opening her eyes again.

Juno was still standing there, the gun still aimed at her, but his hand was shaking slightly.

He was just seemingly standing there looking at her, then slowly lowered the gun.

"Leona is gonna be so mad at me." He sighed, looking at Claire with what seemed to be pain in his eyes.

"W-what?" Claire whimpered out, slowly standing back up right.

"Leave." He told her, taking a step forwards which made her flinch.

"Get the hell out of this place and leave, don't ever come back to this town."

Claire stared at him with fear, and silent confusion.

"I don't want you to die." He told her quietly, stepping out of the way so that she could run.

A loud crack rang throughout the air.

Purple stained red, and the singer slowly crumpled to the ground, the wall behind her splattered with bright red blood.

Searing pain shot through her as she looked up at Juno one last time, betrayal in her eyes.

And then her vision went dark.

With that, Claire was gone.

Juno whipped around, tears gathered in his eyes as Leona slowly lowered her gun.

"One bullet." She groaned, throwing the gun down at Juno's feet as she ran and grabbed the one he still had loosely in his hand.

"See what you did! Well, you and Kira. No one had to die tonight, but you two ruined it." She seethed, turning around and making her way towards te door as Juno dopped down next to Claire.

"I never liked her, but she didn't need to die Juno."

And with that, Leona was gone, leaving Juno frantically trying to think of a way to help Clair as her breathes became more ragged.

He heard loud footsteps, looking down at her.

"They can help her, shes not dead yet." He whispered, hoped as he heard yelling, standing up.

Seconds later, Juno was tackled to the ground by a police officer.



Word Count: 1425

Wow... the next chapter is the last one for this book. It's crazy how far this story has come, and even though I'm sad it's ending, I'm so happy I had the chance to share this all with you. I hope everyone enjoyed, make sure to vote and comment your thought. I hope everyone has an incredible rest of their day/night, and for the last time, see you next chapter :)

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