Seeing Red

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Cordovin: You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us could you, Calavera? You had to rope in children to fail with you.

Ruby was still hanging on to the cliff with Crescent Rose.

Y/N: Ruby!

Ruby: *breathing heavily* *grunts and climbs the cliff*

Ruby got to the top and landed next to me

Oscar: Ruby, can you hear me? Are you guys okay?

Ruby: Are we okay?

Oscar: I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen. I think I finally found a weakness.

Ryoko: We're all ears. *keeping Jaune on his feet*

Ren: Guys!

Oscar: The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles

Weiss: We noticed.

Oscar: Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher!

Ana: We could destroy the entire canon.

Yang: Oscar, that's brilliant!

Nora: Can you make that kind of shot?

Y/N: We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.

Maria: Well, I've got a way to guarantee that.

Maria lands in front of us.

Y/N: You ready?

Ruby: You bet!

Ruby and I jumped in the ship.

Qrow: What are you guys doing?

Before we answered Maria flew us toward the robot.

Maria: Hey, Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!

Cordovin: *laughs* One missile you say? That's a shame Maria, because I have plenty! *opens her missiles*

Oscar: Are you three crazy?

Maria: Sometimes the best approach is simply the most direct.

Y/N: Get ready. *aims*

Ruby: Only one chance *aims*

Cordovin: *gasps* You!

Y/N & Ruby: Fire!

We both shot a bullet towards the missile, but the missiles closes, bouncing off the missiles.

Y/N: We... missed.

Everyone: *gasps*

Cordovin: You thought you could fool me?

She charges lightning towards us.

Oscar: Pull up!

Maria: *grunts*

The lightning barely missed making the ship spiral out of control and barely misses everyone on the ground.

Maria: *screams* I can't see! My eyes!

Oscar: No, no, no!

Maria: Take control.

Oscar tries to pull up.

Oscar: We're gonna crash. We're gonna crashed!

Jaune: Look!

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