Lightning the Fire

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Oscar and Ruby were sparring. And I got to say there both are doing very good. Ruby punched missing and she was about to fall, but she tried to sweep his feet, but he jumped dodging it.

Jaune: Man, Oz wasn't kidding. Oscar's picking up on this stuff fast.

Y/N: Yea, but Ruby has the advantage.

Oscar then landed a punch on Ruby's face making Ruby growl at him.

Oscar: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!

Ruby punched him in the face knocking him flat on the ground.Everyone was wincing at the attack.

Ruby: Ha! Yes! I did it! *jumping for victory * Oscar?

Oscar: Why didn't you tell me?!

Just the. Oscar turned green again signaling that Oz was taking over.

Ozpin: Not bad, Miss Rose. But Oscar doesn't have the years of training that you do. Or I do. Y/N was right. You do have the advantage against Oscar.

Y/N: Oh no. Ozpin is not really going to make Ruby fight, right?

Ana: Is Ozpin insane?! Ruby doesn't have that type of training yet.

Oh, heh, ha, well, maybe we should uh... take a break.

Ozpin charged at her. Four punches were only connecting with her arms. The. The gift hit her in the face making Ruby stumble. Ozpin jumped at her again punching at her, but she ducked only for his knee to connect with her face. Ruby was getting angry. She punched the ground and got back up. She jumped and Ozpin. Ozpin sucked and than head butt Ruby making her fall.

Ryoko: Ouch.

Ozpin: The next time you want to throw a left cross, remember to push of with the appropriate foot. And as always, do be aware of any openings.

Ruby: *Strained* Got it.

Ozpin changed back to Oscar making him fall to his knees. Ruby ran up to him.

Ruby: Oh! Hey. Are you ok?

Oscar: How is this so exhausting?

Y/N: Your body isn't used to this kind of training.

Ren: Not to mention generating a defensive Aura on your own. It takes intense concentration at first, but in time it will become second nature, allowing you to deflect attacks and gradually heal your wounds. After that you can begin focusing on your semblance, whatever that may be.

Oscar: Semblance?

Ana: Think of it as a superpower that's special about you. Everyone's got one. It's just a master of finding it and mastering it. Like Ruby and I have super speed, Nora could channel electrical energy, Ren could mask emotions, Ryoko has the power to use and produce ice to her advantage, Y/N can produce and use fire as he pleases, and Jaune... can, uh, um. Hmm

Jaune; I can't do anyth—

Ruby: Jaune's like you!

Ruby starts dragging Oscar to Jaune.

Ruby: He hasn't found his semblance yet, but we all know we will. And you will too. We all just have to try and help each other get stronger.

Oscar: Cool.

Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior's Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who doesn't see a connection at all.

Nora: It's hard to know when you know sometimes. Ren's Semblance was unlocked from intense stress.

Ruby: And my kicked in during training one day.

Oscar: What about you?

Nora: Oh. Struck by lightning. Didn't die. Crazy Thursday.

Ana: Mine kicked in when I was a little girl. I was running from Grimm and my Semblance unlocked because of my desire to get away. Then Y/N found me and took care of the Grimm for me. I probably wouldn't be standing here today if he didn't save me.

Ryoko: I don't remember how I got mine. I was being possessed and I guess my Semblance unlocked during that time.

Y/N: I was fighting a king taijitu. It's actually the day I ran into Ana. I couldn't defeat the way I was. So during one last attempt of killing it, my blade was lit on fire slicing right through it.

Jaune: I just don't understand what's wrong with me. I train. I meditate. But...

Ozpin took control again.

Ozpin: Don't worry Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over. The same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you're willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen.

Ruby: The let's get back to it.

Y/N: Well, Ryoko. Let's do this.

Ryoko: Right.

Oscar: Huh?

Ana: Y/N and Ryoko are basically martial arts masters.

Y/N: The battle ends when one of us falls.

Ryoko: Yea.

Ryoko and I got into fighting stances. We ran at each other our fists clashing. She went for a punch, but I grabbed her fist and kicked her back. I ran towards her trying to kick her on the side, but she jumped over my leg and elbowed me in the jaw.

Ryoko: Heh. I'm faster then last spar, brother. I'm not one to be underestimated.

Y/N: I wasn't underestimating you, Ryoko. I was just testing your power.

I rushed her punching at her, but she blocked it. So I kicked her in the gut, she was about to fall, but she landed on her hands and backflipped back to her feet.

Ryoko: Nice try.

She charges at me and went for a punch, but I jumped over her and went for a kick to the back. But she used her Semblance to make a shield on her back. My fist clashed with it cracking it but not breaking. She then turned around and kicked me across the face. Then she elbowed me in the gut and was about uppercut me sending me flying. I summoned a fire dragon and threw it at her. She summoned one made out of ice and on contact they blew up sending us both back. When the debris cleared Ryoko had cuts and bruises. And I felt blood drip from my mouth.

Y/N: So our Aura's all depleted.

Ryoko: This fight is reaching its climax.

We ran towards each other and my fist connected with her face as her fist connected with mine. We were both at a stop, and after a moment Ryoko fell as I stumbled back but not falling.

Y/N: Looks like... I win.

We rested as everyone was training.

Ryoko: Ow. I was so close too.

Kitsune brought a first aid kit for Ryoko and I.

Y/N: Thanks.

Kitsune: *Smile* No problem. That was a AWESOME fight. You're the best.

Y/N: *Frowns* I appreciate it. But there are still things I need to learn.

Ryoko: Well, you're the strongest one here.

Y/N: Yea, but I'm not strong enough for Cinder. Or even dad. I was gonna only keeping up for as long as I did because Ana was with me.

Ryoko: Oh. I see. Well, let's get rest. We really got a pounding in that battle.

Y/N: Yea. You're right.

End of chapter

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