Welcome to Haven

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Qrow: The city of Mistral.

Nora: *Ugh* It's about time!

All of us were walking down a hallway on the way to Haven.

Ryoko: Whose idea was it to walk again?

Y/N: We faced many challenges on the way here. Broken airships, destroyed settlements... A simple walk isn't much.

Jaune: Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to MURDER US?

Ruby: *Pfft* We were fine; only one of us almost died.

Qrow: Hey.

Ren: Hey!

Nora: *Giggles*

Ana: So how much farther to Haven Academy?

Qrow: Almost there. Kind of figure I'd take you kids on the scenic route.

Qrow opened a big door revealing the Academy. Ruby runs out to the ledge to get a better view.

Ruby: Wow! This. Is. Awesome!

Kitsune: This is SO COOL!

Kitsune runs up to the ledge next to Ruby.

Ruby: Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!

Qrow: Vendors here will sell you just about anything, whether they should or not.

Jaune: They really made the most out of theses mountains.

Qrow: Every inch. And stay away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets.

Nora: And we are going up!

We then got to the academy grounds short after.

Ruby: *Sigh* We made it.

We walked forward and entered the building.

Qrow looked troubled though.

Qrow: Hmmm.

Ruby: Hello? HELLOO??

Nora: Maybe try... louder?

Ana: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Ren: Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now.

Jaune: Yea. Maybe that's it?

Qrow: No, this isn't right... C'mon.

Ryoko: await for us!

We all start to run towards the headmasters office.

Qrow: *Draws sword* Get ready. It could be trouble.

We all draw our weapons as Kitsune stands back. Qrow kicks open the door to reveal Prof. Lionheart standing right in front of the door.

Lionheart: AH!

JNR, R, Ana, Ryoko, Kitsune, Y/N: AHHH!!

Qrow loses his balance and fall down and Lionheart faints from shock.

Ryoko: Uh... Professor... Lionheart?

Lionheart slowly wakes up.

Lionheart: QROW! For crying out loud. You nearly scared me half to death.

Qrow gets up, obviously flustered.

Qrow: *Grunts* Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

Lionheart: Huh?

Lionheart looks at his clock around his neck.

Lionheart: OH, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me.

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