bad times, the badges and the burden

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Ryoko POV

I was running through an alley all bloody and beaten. I saw someone with pale gray skin with red veins through her body and a black robe. She was slowly walking to me. I grabbed Capricorn Flame and tried to shoot at her, but it went right through her. When she was right in front of me she grabbed me by the neck. I could hardly breathe.

Ryoko: Ugh.

She was about to kill me with the black magic orb she held in her hand. But right before she did I woke up in the chair i was sleeping in.
Y/N still asleep on the hospital bed.

Ryoko: Just a nightmare. Who was she. How come she looks so familiar.

I thought it as nothing and went back to sleep

Time-skip to 6:50'in the morning

Y/N: ...Oko, Ryoko!

Ryoko: Come onn. 5 more minutes.

Y/N: You have to wake up. We have to go to Ozpin's office by 7! Remember? It's 6:50 right now

Ryoko: What!? (Looks at the clock by the hospital bed) Darn it! We're gonna be late!

I rushed into the bathroom and got dressed. Putting on a blue uniform similar to my brother. (Author: I know it was white before, but she was forced to wear it by her captors. So now she wears a blue one) Grabbed my Capricorn Flame and put my long blue hair in a ponytail. I rushed out of the bathroom. Since it was 6:55, we could make it if we hurried. We ran and got there jus in time.

Y/N: Prof. Ozpin, what did you want to see us about.

Ozpin: Ah, you made it just in time. Mr. L/N. Ms. L/N. So I brought you here because of what happened to you Mr. L/N.

Y/N: What happened to me?

Ozpin: Yes. I was observing you battle with your sister. And when your sister almost delivered the final blow, your eyes turned silver and you were able to defend yourself for a period of time. Do you know why?

Y/N: Well, my mom once Said that Ryoko and I have some special powers that make us different from the other huntsman and huntresses. But I didn't think any of it as I thought she was just trying to make us feel good about ourselves.

Ozpin: Well, I can assure you that's not the case. You two are from a special blood line that has skipped generations and generations. I've known your parents for a while. They we're the strongest huntsman and huntress around. And I could see that their offspring aren't pushovers either. You see, you two are the only ones left who possess this power.

Ryoko and Y/N: What!!?

Y/N: You just said last ones? Correct?

Ozpin: I'm afraid so. A long time ago, their were two people. Brother and sister. Much like yourself. They were the beginning of this powerful bloodline. They were hated and neglected because they were different from everyone. Those two eventually did fine love and created this powerful line. But, not to long after their kids were born. Those two went to war with one of the most threats that ever threatened mankind. The battle was so intense that they had to release their true powers with the mans eyes glowing silver and the woman's eyes glowing purple. They stopped this threat from destroying the planet, but ultimately lost their lives doing so. And they went down as legends. And it appears that this threat has resurfaced it it was able to reawaken your powers.

Y/N: Mom and Dad told us that same story. It was in a book of fairytales. I didn't think they real.

Ozpin; Some fairytales aren't. Some are.

Y/N: So, your saying that since this "threat" your speaking of has resurfaced, and the only ones capable of defeating it is me and my sister.

Ozpin: Yes. The only ones that could do are people coming from this blood line.

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