//The Succession pt.2\\

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1863, July 2nd

Pennsylvania was at a lost for words. Never did she think this could happen and its already been to years.
" The war will be over soon" she tells her younger siblings. Poor Tennessee born just months before the chaos and barely has time to adjust. Shes the second oldest she has to take care of all of them.
" Sophia!! What are going to do what if they don't come back-"
" Are you doubting my intuition? I'm pretty great you know, I can know all kinds of things! Why don't you go check on dad?"
Once she got to her room she collapsed. Blood just pouring from her mouth.
She coughs it up as quietly as possible. No need to panic just a big brutal battle going on inside her land. She looks in a mirror to see her back. Blood stained on her light skin.
'Gettysburg.' She thinks. Shes been a state long enough to just look at her body and know where a place is. Like her heart is Harrisburg. No matter, she ties up her dress again and continues on ' Big sisters don't cry or break down. Not when they are the only ones here.' Delaware is off fighting the war,Virginia the same but the opposing side. And dad's still in a coma so, Its time to be the bigger sister.

New Jersey hadn't wanted to get to involved so she suggested to Georgia that they go way upstate and not get into this mess. Alas Georgia looked her in the eye and said
" Gives what we want and I'll go anywhere with you, if you choose to say no then I hope you're ready for war."
The next time she saw Georgia her hair was blood red and she had a loaded musket pointed at her. She heard the bang.

1864,March 5th.

Than woke up later in the forrest. Her favorite forrest...in New Jersey? But how did she get there?....."oh my god.. I-..I died! No..no I was murdered! By-OHgOd Dani actually shot me" Isabella cried in that forrest for a long time. Until she got up and started walking towards the house. It took awhile and she was still crying ,for the same reason or another she couldn't tell you. She knocked on the door.
"Hey Penn.."
Sophia hugged her sister tight. Isabella noticed she looked more tired.
" Jersey where the hell did you go?!"
"Georgia shot me..i-i died."
"Oh bella" Sophia went to comfort her sister and bring her inside.
"How..How long was i out for?"
" 8 months." A new voice said
"Delaware?! You're here?"
Said state came down the stairs.
"Yeah got shot pretty bad by Texas in the last battle." NJ looked sad.
"So the wars still not over?"
"Not as far as i can tell."
"Let me fight. We're immortal against humans just not states right. I..I need to do something. I just lost 8 months of my life thanks to..her and I wanna do something. I have to do something."
"Alright you can fight."
'Time for payback. Watch out sister.'

The States! (Aph)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن