//Imagine my suprise\\

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Parker P.O.V.
One Sunny day in 1941, World War II was still going. The world was Either in mass denial, Confusion, or sympathy but had no will to act.
Then Pearl Harbor happend.

Alot of the states were still little me included. Dad was in recovery but still up and active, Lilo Jones the State of Hawaii was so little. Her body was the physical age of 4. She was out of commission. Everyone was on high alert. Once Dad said we were joining the war and he would be going to Europe to help out a lot if the older kids volunteerd. Peter also raised his hand. Dad said no to all of us. Left Delaware and Virgina in charge.

Later that night Peter woke me up.

    "Parker...Parker!...Dads leaving tonight imma follow him!"

    "..w..what? Pete bro that's crazy you cant do that."
    " I'm a state. I can't die. We can't die Parker. If I am apart of this country I wanna fight for it! I wanna save the world! Delaware called me stupid but I made up my mind. I ....I really don't wanna do it alone though. So I'm going with those boys down the block we know."

    " The Smiths?"
     "  Yeah, there're going too. Something about 'drafting'. I packed some stuff. And I'm ready to leave. I just wanted to say by to my favorite twin."

  " haha,well thanks see you later then?"

" Yeah, see you on the other side."

Then he left out the door into the night. We looked young I knew he wouldnt be able to get in. I figured he'd be caught and sent back by dad or the army in general. So I waited for him to come back.

  He never did come back....well till afer the war. Dad came back got tackled by 50....49 other kids. He told us what happed how they stopped it. How many were lost. I asked about Peter. I've never seen someone face hold that much terror and fear of lost.
Apparently He never knew that Peter left. Peter Registed under the name smith so he got by detection.
Dad searched for days after the war.
It wasn't until the 10th day we got the news.
  He was dead, he died in battle the last one too. At that revelation dad went off to South Dakota to look for him again. I wasn't worried, why would i be we're immortal we come back. It's happened before i had no reason to think otherwise.

   So imagine how i felt when dad brought home a girl. I girl who had the same eyes as him. She was happy. Too happy like she dosent know what her being here took from me. Dad had to sit me down, tell me that we dont always come back.

"Well if he won't come back I'll go to him "
That was my thought process. But I did. I did come back and he didn't. I have to live with that. Noah, Alexander, and Kyra tell me it'll get better.it won't. I know it.
I cry on the day we found out.
"Parker why are you crying??"
Hawaii always asks me that. Shes little, naive, she doesn't know loss.
  "I..I just miss him so much i could.."
  " could what?"
"Die." But it never works. I come back amd I always her her face. Those same eyes. I already see enough when i look at my self. Thats what happens when you lose your identical twin. So I dyed my hair red a bright red.

Then she dyed her hair blue to 'match'

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Then she dyed her hair blue to 'match'.

I don't know when i started to fight her I just remeber yelling all the time

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I don't know when i started to fight her I just remeber yelling all the time.
I remeber saying
Imagine my suprise when it happens. I don't know the details. I know me yelling, her getting a ride, then another car, and a crash, amd she's gone.

 I know me yelling, her getting a ride, then another car, and a crash, amd she's gone

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Now it's my fault. I live again while my twin dies..again. I stopped dyeing my hair. My roots are showing .I'm gonna remind myself of Peter when I look in the mirror at my hair.While I'm in the mirror I'm going to get remind of Allison because she was just my face but... flipped like a a mirror a mirror twin.

Now.....imagine my surprise when i see the new kid.

imagine my surprise when i see the new kid

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