Cinder's Arrival To Vale

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I should probably apologize for the lack of updates, I swear I thought I updated this earlier this year. Turns out it was last November.
I'm sorry, I'll try to update this one more, so here's a chapter as I work on others so this can make it to the schedule.

3rd POV
The sound of a warehouse opened, catching the attention of Roman who held his coffee mug in his hand.
Roman: well look who it is. How are you doing Cinder?
Cinder: fine....I brought Emerald and Mercury with me. Where's Neo? Isn't she supposed to be up helping you?
Roman: she....she got up, and has downed three coffees. She for some reason didn't catch a wink of sleep last night.
Cinder: so what you're saying is that she won't be much help with the dust shipment happening tonight?
Roman: as of right now it's a no. But she should be back to full strength tomorrow, this happens every couple of months, still has yet to tell me what the issues are though.
Cinder: we can work around it, I hope the white fang is ready, because we are moving right as the last worker leaves for the night.
Roman: sound good, and no need to worry about the security guard.
Cinder: where is the security guard and why don't I have to worry about him?
Roman: because he's dead. One of the white fang members killed him.
Cinder: well I guess that makes life easier, well I won't hold you up.
Cinder walked with her two henchmen through the warehouse, leaving Roman to continue to work with the plan.


Y/N woke up and pushed himself up, he used his aura and put out the fire and rubbed his face.
Y/N: nice morning surprisingly.
?????: well I was hoping you'd be up soon.
Y/N quickly looked up to see Blake sitting in a tree with a silver wrapper.
Y/N: what are you doing here?
Blake: well....I wanted to come by and give you this.
She gave him the silver wrapped object.
Y/N: is it a bomb?
Blake: just open it.
He did, it revealed a breakfast sandwich, some strips of bacon, eggs, cheese, a dash of hot sauce and bread.
Y/N: well....this might be a need later.
He wrapped it back up and placed it in his bag.
Blake: aren't you going to eat it?
Y/N: later. I'm not hungry right now and I need to move stuff.
Blake: why move?
Y/N: because if you and that singer know where I am, there's a good chance Ozpin knows, and if he knows....there's a good chance my mother knows.
Blake: you never really spoke about your mother did you?
Y/N: if she's alive, then I hope it isn't for long.
Blake: can you give me a name?
Y/N: no....I would rather not give a name. If I were you I'd get back to your academy, I'm moving and rather not have anyone know where I'm at.
The sound of the bushes tumbled near them, Y/N pretending he didn't hear it.
Blake: there's Grimm nearby.
Y/N: I know. Let him get closer.
Blake: but....fine, but I still think you should become a student at Beacon Academy, it might be able to help you out wi-
A Beowulf jumped from the bushes and charged at them both. Blake went to pull out her weapon, but it wasn't fast enough for Y/N's eyes turning black, and within seconds a bunch of six foot spikes came from the ground and penetrated the skin of the Beowulf. The spikes then disappeared and dropped the Beowulf to the ground, it was still alive, but barely and in lots of pain.
Blake: won't you put it out of its misery?
Y/N: No....I'll probably see you never....and thanks for the sandwich.
Y/N finished packing his stuff and then walked off, leaving Blake.

Shattered Emotions (Abused Reader X Blake)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant