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3rd POV
Y/N turned around and looked at Blake and Sun.
Y/N: that felt good.
Immediately after saying that a cop car pulled up with a tall cop stepping out.
Officer Jersey: alright, someone better explain what is going on!
He opened a portal of darkness beneath him and went through it, leaving Sun and Blake alone.
Officer Jersey: well....he pulled a dick move.


Roman and Neo entered the warehouse, Neo hurt badly.
Cinder: what the hell happened? She goes out like a warrior and....she is covered in scratches.
Roman: some new guy tortured her, first time I've heard anything come out of her mouth.
Cinder: she spoke?
Roman: screamed. Whatever he did...he actually made her scream, and we all know she's mute.
Cinder: what exactly did he do to her?
Roman: some dark power, he shoved it inside her mouth and hurt....she may be out of commission for a while.
Cinder: then I'll handle the next phase myself.


Blake and Sun went back to Beacon and went into the dorm.
Ruby: did everything go?
Blake: Y/N was there?
Weiss: was he responsible for the dust being stolen?
Blake: no....the white fang was, but Y/N tortured......
Yang: did he torture you and Sun?
Blake: no....he tortured....his own sister. Her name is Nia....
Weiss: he has a sister? Who is still alive, and instead of "hey sis, here I am with open arms" he just tortured her?
Blake: from what we saw....she was a mute too, and he made her scream.
Yang: not physically possible.
Ruby: what else happened?
Blake: I caught a glimpse of his eyes, they were filled with enjoyment. He loved every second, he even hurt himself doing it.
Yang: how did he do that?
Blake: when he first appeared...he coughed up blood, and when he finished torturing her...more blood, all coming from his mouth.
Ruby: so....he hurts himself everytime he does his semblance it seems.
Blake: I need to know more.
Weiss: it would probably be best to wait until every cools over, and for us to go with you. If he tortured his sister, and she is family, there's nothing saying that he would kill you if he wanted to.

In the Forest

A portal opened and Y/N came through, he spit up some blood and wiped it.
Y/N: well then.....thats starting to take its toll a little.....worth the pain I put on time...I'll hang her off the side of Beacon, make her smack against Ozpin's office.

Shattered Emotions (Abused Reader X Blake)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant