Bringing the Ship Down

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3rd POV

Y/N sat in his cell, he felt his aura slowly building back up as he breathed heavily. The sound on the locks for the door began to move as Winter walked in with a tray of food.
Winter: I figured you were hungry.
Y/N: thanks. What is it?
Winter: a fried boneless chicken thigh with macaroni and cheese along with a scoop of white rice.
Y/N: thanks.
He put his hand out and grabbed the tray before throwing the the plastic fork to the side. He jammed the knife into the chicken and picked it up that way and began eating. His eyes were turning black as he ate, he was in absolute bliss.
Winter: you seem happy.
Y/N: it sucks, but it's the best thing I've eaten all day.
Winter: now that you're happy, do you think you will spare those on the ship and not bring it down?
Y/N: no....that's not happening. I'm for the most part a man of my word.

❗️Play the music if you want❗️

He finished the chicken that was on the knife before tossing it to the side. He then tilted the rice and macaroni towards his mouth and shoveled it into his mouth. He then swallowed hard as he tossed his tray to the side and letting off a burp.
Y/N: if I were you I would get in here.
Winter: why?
Y/N: look at your scroll and my readings.
Winter quickly pulled out her scroll and saw Y/N's aura, it was maxed out.
Winter: no.
Y/N's eyes turned black as a massive amount of power began shooting from his body, covering the walls of the room he was in. Winter dived in with her gun aimed at him, only for three tentacles to come from the ground, wrapping around her ankles, wrists and waist and pulled her to the ground tightly.
Y/N: and now.
The power began surging through the halls of the airships. Tentacles rose up from the darkness at some parts, soldiers getting impaled with the tentacles and tossed to the ground. Some of the tentacles then punctured the hull of the airship and began wrapping around the machine. Two tentacles wrapped around a man within the halls and tore him in two as he let off a massive pained scream. The pieces of corpse were then tossed to the side. A woman soldier then came around the corner as a tentacle shot through her mouth and through the back of her head. The black power continued coloring the halls, the soldiers that didn't get killed by the tentacles were swallowed and melted to bone by it. The black power reached around the massive propellers of the airships and began bending it downwards until finally one broke off.
Soldiers ran to bullheads, some of them managing to take off while others weren't lucky. Four massive tentacles rose up above a landed Bullhead, people inside, and wrapped around it. It was crushed within moments as the sounds of people screaming was heard before being abruptly silenced.
Y/N stood in the room as he walked over to Winter, his eyes still black and pointed her face up at him, so both of their eyes can meet.
Winter: you're a monster!
Y/N: probably. But a monster wouldn't let one person live while the others go now would he?
He then used his powers to open the hull on the side of the ship with a massive amount of air. The tentacles then picked up Winter and put her outside of the hole.
Y/N: you should be able to reach the water, happy landings.
The tentacles then let go of Winter as her scream was silenced by the winds. Y/N then began lifting his arms as the black power finally engulfed the entire ship. He then let off a power scream as the ship finally exploded. Flaming debris began flying all over the place as Winter landed into the water. She quickly emerged and began coughing as she looked at the flaming ball in the sky.
Winter: he did it.

Shattered Emotions (Abused Reader X Blake)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن