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3rd PoV

Meg and Francisca were right. The girls all came back giggling and red in the face, and couldn't speak for at least ten minutes. Even Honey was gasping for breath, because of how hard she was laughing. 

When they were finally able to form words, Honey explained,

"The guys were all doing facial masks, and they looked so funny we wanted to take pictures, but they saw us and came out, to chase us."

"It was so funny, the guys were even laughing." Rose giggled, and Valeria came up to Meg, showing her something on her phone. It turned out to be a video of the Bangtan Boys chasing the girls, outside and around the outdoor pool. Near the end, Jimin tripped and fell into the pool, which was thankfully a heated one. The girls had hidden while the boys were diverted, and so Jimin took off his over shirt and threw it at Yoongi who was teasing him, but Lilac had chosen that exact moment to run from her hiding place to the other girls, right in front of Yoongi. The wet shirt whacked her in the stomach, which she took in surprisingly good stride with just a grunt of surprise, then darted into the bushes and disappeared. Valeria, who had been the one recording, started laughing and the recording ended as Jimin took a towel and pushed Taehyung into the pool.

Meg couldn't help laughing now, and Francisca, who had watched the video as well, joined her and laughed at the comical situation.

"As funny as this all is, you girls need to shower and get to bed, tomorrow is going to require a lot of energy." Meg said, giving Valeria her phone back.

"I'll go first, since I'm already partially wet." Lilac said, standing up to show her mostly soaked t shirt. She took her pajamas and went into the bathroom, while the other girls went to their suitcases and got their stuff ready. Meg, meanwhile, picked up the wet shirt Lilac had gotten hit with, went downstairs and put it in the washer.

By the time Meg went back up to the room, Euphoria was in the shower while Rose was doing her skin care routine in the bathroom, Melody, Honey and Valeria were talking about something on the couch and Lilac was towel drying her hair in the corner, sitting cross legged on the floor. Meg went over to her, knelt down and held out a clean, still warm white t shirt, which Lilac had to stare at for a minute before recognizing.

"Jimin's shirt!" She exclaimed quietly, taking it from Meg eagerly. Meg smiled and said,

"I washed it with the detergent Jimin uses, which I only know because he told me because he likes it so much. So for some reason he found it necessary to tell me... Weird kid." Lilac giggled then stood up with Meg, hugging her in gratitude before going into the bedroom to change into it.

Soon the youngest members were done in the bathroom, and the two oldest went in to take care of themselves.

The maknae line went into their room they were sharing, while Francisca had to go sleep in a different room with her baby girl, then after about fifteen minutes, Meg heard Rose calling her. Meg got up and went in the room, to see Euphoria sitting cross legged on the bed, her head hanging with her hair covering her face. Meg wondered for a minute what was going on, then she heard Euphoria sniffle and the youngest lifted her head, showing her tear stained face as two big tears slipped down her cheeks. Lilac and Rose looked like they were on the border of crying as well, so Meg sat in the middle of the bed, looked at the three girls, and opened her arms to them. Euphoria took in a breath then let herself go, as did Rose and Lilac, and the three started crying hard. Euphoria sort of fell down onto Meg's lap, while Lilac and Rose leaned heavily on both of her shoulders.

Meg leaned her head against Rose's, stroking Euphoria and Lilac's hair gently and soothingly.

"Nothing is ever going to be the same." Euphoria whispered, once they all calmed down. Meg smiled, brushed Euphoria's hair away from her face and gently tapped her nose.

"It may not be the same as it was before, but the new experiences you share will be incredible, once they get out of the honeymoon phase."

"But we won't have an oldest sister, Honey doesn't want to be the oldest." Lilac said softly.

"I don't want to tour with a stressed Honey." Rose sighed.

"We want a tour sister, to help us and guide us. Valeria does a fantastic job, but she gets so tired and stressed when it all rests on her, which it would: Hope and Honey hate leading." Lilac explained, still leaning on Meg's shoulder.

"We will figure something out, don't worry. I won't go home to Ireland until we do, okay? Don't worry." Meg told them, and they sighed in relief.

"Now you three need to sleep, okay? Things may change, but she will always be your sister, and if anything, your bond with Melody will get stronger. Why don't you three sleep together tonight?" The maknae line looked at each other, then nodded. Meg got up and the girls got under the covers, snuggling together comfortably.

"Meg?" Rose spoke up.

"Would you please sing us to sleep?" Meg smiled and nodded, turning off the lights. She opened the curtain to let in the city lights, then sat on a chair she moved next to the bed. The girls turned to face her, and she started singing.

She sang Noble Maiden Fair from Brave in Scottish, and they were fighting to keep their eyes open. She sang The Flower That Shattered The Stone, and they let their eyes close. She finally sang Light of Christmas Morn by Celtic Woman, and they were sound asleep by the end.

Meg went out quietly, sitting on the couch and sighing from how tired she was. Melody came out of the bathroom, brushing her hair as she walked, while the sound of the shower running started. She had a worried look on her face, so Meg asked her gently,

"Are you okay?" Melody sat down next to her, sighed and said,

"I'm nervous about the wedding night." Meg smiled, and rested her hand on Melody's shoulder comfortingly.

"Love, you don't need to worry." She said.

"But I've never done it before, what if I'm not good at it? What if it isn't satisfying to him?" Melody worried.

"Oh don't worry. First of all, Jin isn't a virgin, let's be honest, not one of those boys is a virgin. So, he knows what he's doing. Second, it will come to you naturally. I've seen you on stage, you have a natural talent for being sensual and knowing how to move: you'll be perfectly fine." Melody stared at her, then asked,

"None of them are virgins?" Meg laughed.

"No way. Haven't you ever seen them perform Baepsae?"

"You have a good point there." Meg laughed quietly, so as to not wake up the other girls, and Melody leaned on her shoulder.

"Things will change. They always do. For one thing, you aren't going to know how to act around your sisters for a little while. You're physically different, which both you and they will know, so it will be awkward at first. But time will get everyone used to it, and you'll be just as close as before." Meg said, stroking Melody's hair.

"How are you so good at being an older sister to everyone?" Melody queried, and Meg laughed again.

"I was the youngest in my family until I was twenty two, but I wanted a younger sister. And somehow, most of my friends were younger than me, so I felt like it was my responsibility to take care of them. Therefore, I got a lot of practice. Plus, I enjoy it. I like being everyone's mom or older sister. Now, you need to sleep, your big day is tomorrow."

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