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Euphoria POV

I tended to be the one to get either tons of promoting to do, or hardly any at all. I was also trusted by my older sisters to go out and be by myself, but a lot of times Rose would come with me. She was more of a decisive person than I was and thus decided what we would be doing during our free time, so I liked just following her where she went. Because of our different personalities, the older eonnies teased us that I was submissive and Rose was dominant, which we just laughed at.

That day we were in Ireland for the tour, which overjoyed all of us Sankjin sisters, because we had grown up there for a time. Me, Rose and Lilac didn't have any interviews, so we decided to go out and see the places we used to visit when we lived there, in Dublin.

We were walking out of the building, but came across Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, who were talking with clear confusion on their face, as they talked about places to see. I looked over at Rose and Lilac, and they knew what I was thinking without it being necessary for me to speak. They nodded, so I tapped Jimin on the shoulder.

"We three are going out to see the town, do you three want to come with us? We used to live here, so we know a lot of places to go."

The three boys looked at each other then nodded, so I walked a bit ahead with Lilac, talking in Irish about the farm we lived on when we were little. Then we both got hit on the back of the head with tiny rocks, and turned back to see Rose glaring at us, saying with her look to tell us to talk to our companions as well.

We stepped back and listened to the conversation for a while, before joining in the discussion about which country seemed to have the most polite fans, which lasted about thirty minutes. Then Jimin asked,

"Where is it we're going?"

"We girls are going to a mountain trail that gives a view of Ireland, but if you three would rather not do that, we can direct you to a few places that can occupy you until tonight, and come back to help you get back in time for soundcheck." Lilac replied.

"I think we would like to go to the mountain trail." Taehyung spoke, looking at Jungkook and Jimin for their opinions. They nodded, and I spoke up.

"I think we should get something to drink before we go to the trail, to keep us warm." Lilac and Rose nodded in agreement, but the boys looked confused.

"Out here, it's traditional to carry a flask of brandy with you when you're hiking, in case you get lost and are in danger of freezing to death, because it gets extremely cold at night." I explained, leading the way to a pub we knew. The boys looked surprised when the bartender recognized us and called us by our names, which made me laugh before going over and greeting the older man with a hug.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you trouble makers." He said in English, his voice heavy with the Irish accent.

"Oh I think we have much more energy to be trouble makers now." Lilac joked, and I smiled.

"How is the tour going?" Mr O'Malley, the pub owner who was also the bartender, switched to Irish when he spoke his next sentence. "Are those other boys you're touring with behaving themselves? Not trying to peek at you or anything, not trying to take advantage of you?"

"No Mr O'Malley, they're gentlemen, don't worry. We could handle it even if they weren't." Rose replied, smiling reassuringly. He nodded, then I turned to the young men standing behind us awkwardly, and introduced them to our old friend.

We didn't spend much time in the pub, each of us purchasing a flask of brandy before we left with farewells to the Irishman. The trek to the trail was short, and conversation was lively among us.

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