spring day

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3rd pov.

Ironically, it was a spring day when the holders of our attention interacted for the first time.

BTS was touring America, and had heard of a band of girls who were incredibly talented dancers and singers. They wanted to work with them, and when a tour was suggested, both bands agreed.

BTS' managers had made an arrangement with the girls to go on a world tour, doing some kind of dance competition concert, which mainly featured BTS, but then had Serenity perform their songs, then at the end of the eight month long tour, BTS and Serenity would have a face off where BTS danced to Serenity's songs and Serenity would dance to BTS' songs. During the tour, Serenity would also choose one song per concert to do a fan dance cover of.

The seven members of Serenity were sisters, born in Scotland, raised in Ireland until age ten, then raised in Seoul, South Korea until age 18 for some. 

The oldest was Melody Wisdom Sankjin, 5'7 and age 23 international years in 2017.

Second oldest was Honey Ginger Sankjin, 5'6, and 23 years old in international years in 2017

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Second oldest was Honey Ginger Sankjin, 5'6, and 23 years old in international years in 2017.

Third oldest was Hope Rose Sankjin, age 22 IY in 2017, 5'6, and the sunshine of the sisters

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Third oldest was Hope Rose Sankjin, age 22 IY in 2017, 5'6, and the sunshine of the sisters.

Third oldest was Hope Rose Sankjin, age 22 IY in 2017, 5'6, and the sunshine of the sisters

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Fourth was Valeria Kaylan Sankjin, age 21 IY in 2017, 5'10 and the leader of the group.

Fourth was Valeria Kaylan Sankjin, age 21 IY in 2017, 5'10 and the leader of the group

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