so what

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Rose POV

I didn't even plan on leaving my room.

A month had passed since we were in Ireland, and since then, certain things had been happening. Jin was spending more and more time with Melody, and she was getting into the lovesick stage of forgetting about us, her sisters, which we hadn't been expecting. Valeria had been filling in for her well, and we were starting to get used to her absence. Honey said I was growing too, and it made sense, because I was always tired, even more than usual, and on days off, I preferred to spend at least half the day sleeping.

Today, July fourth, was the day after the first concert in the state of Alabama. I had a friend who lived here that I would have liked to see, but I felt too tired to go anywhere.

Valeria, Honey, Hope, Lilac and Euphoria were all out sightseeing, Melody was with Jin as usual, and I was planning on spending the whole day in the apartment we girls were staying in.

I enjoyed baking, so the day before, I had gone with Honey to the store and bought a lot of ingredients for my favorite baking and cooking recipes, which I was planning on doing after sleeping past noon.

It was about twelve thirty when a knock at the door woke me up. I groaned and slowly got up, pulling my long robe on over my pajama pants and t shirt, somehow pulling my hair into a messy bun as I slowly went over to the door. I yawned sleepily then opened the door, to find Taehyung standing there. Surprise woke me up instantly, and he greeted me politely with a bow.

"Good afternoon." He said.

"Buenas tardes. Ah I mean, good afternoon." I accidentally spoke in Spanish at first, as that was the language I was speaking to Euphoria before sleeping, then I asked,

"What are you doing here? I thought you would be exploring with your hyungs." I made sure to stand far enough away so that he wouldn't smell my morning breath, and he replied,

"Namjoon hyung said my baking is atrocious and Valeria said yours is amazing, so I should come to you today and ask you for lessons." He explained, and I nodded.

"Well I will gladly teach you, please come in. I have to get dressed first, but I won't take more than fifteen minutes." I spoke, stepping back to let him into the thankfully clean apartment, courtesy of Hope and Valeria before leaving in the morning. I went to my room and picked out my clothing: a long, oversized black t shirt that went down to my knees when it was hanging loose, and black fitted leggings for underneath. I took out a belt and set it on top of the shirt, which would turn it into a dress, then set socks and high tops on the dresser too. I then went into the bathroom and took a five minute shower, washed my face which took three minutes, put on concealer which took two minutes, then blow dried my hair for five minutes. I brushed my still wet blue hair, which was fading to more of a tame teal, then started pulling it into a messy braid as I walked out into the living room, where Taehyung was waiting.

"I apologize for the wait." I said, and he stood up quickly.

"I don't mind." He replied. I asked him,

"What is it you would like to make?"

"Something I can share with my hyungs, that they would all like." He answered, and I considered.

"Would you be interested in learning how to cook a whole meal, including dessert?" He nodded, so I went into the kitchen.

"I can teach you how to make Viatnamese beef Pho, sweet steamed buns, mango and raspberry mamosas and petít fours. It will take all day, so I hope you don't have any plans." I talked as I took out two aprons from my backpack, one black, one white. I took the white one for myself, handing the black one to Taehyung.

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