hope world

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3rd POV

Hoseok was extremely picky about dancing. Pretty much everyone in the world who knew anything in BTS knew that, and Hope definitely knew it. That's why, when Ana taught her the choreography cover for Taki Taki by Selena Gomez, Hope was nervous before starting, because Hoseok asked Ana if he could watch them dance.

Hoseok hadn't asked to do that before, and Hope was known as the dance machine of Serenity the same as Hoseok was the dance machine of BTS, so Ana could feel the tension in the air.

Once Hope finished stretching, Ana showed her the dance by doing it two times, then Hope imitated it perfectly. She made herself do it four times, focusing completely on her dance and forgetting entirely that Hobi was there.

Ana, however, knew that Hope would have the dance down instantly and remembered that Hoseok was there, so she watched with amusement as he stared at her in awe.

When Hope took a break to drink some water, JHope asked in shock,

"How did you do that?" Hope looked at him with her mouth full of water, then swallowed and asked, as Ana struggled to stop her laughter,

"Do what?"

"Memorize the dance so fast. You just watched her perform it a few times, then you had it down."

"Oh, that. I have what's called a videographic memory, it's like a photographic memory but slightly different, because I can memorize movements and actions more so than picturesque details." Hope explained.

A knock came at the door, and Cheonsa came in, holding a tired looking stuffed rabbit, and sucking on her thumb. She went up to Hope, looked up at her and asked, surprisingly in Korean,

"Where Kookie?"

"He's in the dance studio." Hoseok answered, then Cheonsa stared at him before asking,

"Take me please?" He looked at Ana and asked,

"Would Meg mind?" Ana shook her head.

"No, she's teaching Jungkook some dances there, so she won't mind. Go ahead." She smiled at Cheonsa, who was watching her now, then Cheonsa went over to her and raised her arms. Ana picked her up, and Cheonsa kissed her cheek before asking to get down. She then walked over to Hoseok, and stared at him until he asked,

"Are you read to go?" The little girl nodded, and Hoseok started walking. Cheonsa trotted along to keep up, and behind them Ana and Hope smiled fondly at them. Soon Cheonsa got tired of trying to keep up and said,

"Mr Hobi, you walking fast." Hoseok looked down at her and she held her arms up, asking to be picked up. Hoseok hesitated, then picked her up by her tiny waist and she settled herself on his hip comfortably, resting her head on his shoulder. Hoseok wasn't sure how to react, so he just kept walking.

When he got to the room Jungkook was dancing in, Meg was sitting in front of the mirror and Jungkook was standing still, resting his hands on his knees and breathing hard. Hoseok set Cheonsa down, then she went over to Jungkook. She patted his head, and he jumped a little before looking at her curiously. She crooked her finger and Jungkook knelt down, and she said in halty Korean,

"You need to sleep, mister Kookie. You get sick soon." And she held out the stuffed rabbit to him. He smiled and took the rabbit, but Cheonsa wasn't taking any chances.

"Please promise? You sleep?" She asked, and Jungkook nodded, holding his pinkie out to her. She looped her tiny finger around his, and she smiled adorably at him, clearly happy. Then Cheonsa ran over to Meg, and Meg picked her up.

"Hoseok, would you mind taking her to Ignatius for me, if you aren't busy? I still have to teach Jin and Melody some dances." Meg asked, and Hoseok nodded.

"Go with mister Hobi, Cheonsa." Meg told her daughter, who nodded, got down and ran over to Hoseok.

Hoseok let Cheonsa hold his hand, then when she started skipping down the hallway, he started skipping with her too.


A month later, Meg went to her family's home with her children and husband, Ana went to England to help choreograph for Little Mix's next tour, and Serenity finally started a year long hiatus, to prepare for Melody's wedding.

The wedding was decided to be in South Korea, Seoul, in late December of 2020, that year. The theme was the Middle Ages, and of course, Melody's sisters were the bridesmaids while the rest of BTS were going to be the groomsmen. The maid of honor was Honey, while the best man was Yoongi, and naturally, the others were paired with the ones they cared for. The flower girl was Ryan Reynolds' daughter, Ryan being a friend of Melody's, and the ring bearer was Francisca's nephew who the girls and boys both knew and loved.

The days passed quickly, and it seemed to the sisters that no time passed before it was the night before the wedding.

The girls, including Francisca, Meg and Ana, were staying in a hotel room near the church, having a final girls' night before the wedding. They were talking, eating snacks and painting each other's nails, as you would expect. Until...

"Hey girls, do you want to go spy on the guys?" Honey suggested, taking a sip of her tea. All the girls except Francisca and Meg jumped up and agreed energetically, while the two women stayed sitting on the ground, looking at the younger girls in amusement.

"Yeah! Who knows where they're staying?" Euphoria asked, and Rose figured it out, somehow. How on earth she did it, no one else knew, but they soon got on their jackets, hats, shoes and gloves. Meg and Francisca declined going, saying they were too old for doing adventurous things like that.

Meg went to the bathroom as the girls left, then when she came out and sat on the bed next to Francisca, Francisca said, looking at the very pregnant woman,

"You know they're gonna come back red in the face and giggling, possibly unable to speak for ten minutes, right?" Meg laughed, nodding.

"There's no doubt about that."

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