Beautiful Masterpiece

Start from the beginning

Within a few moments, I felt the pain evaporate from my the fear part of my quirk quickly replaced it.

How does this drug work? Is it specific to my quirk?!

My whole body began shaking now, as I felt my fear the worst it's ever been in my entire life.

"Man, these things are really great, huh?" Overhaul mumbled, holding up a bullet between his fingers.

But, it wasn't just any bullet.


That's the same type of bullet that was shot at me, the night Eijirou and I were attacked, after the dance.

Which means....

Overhaul was behind that attack, the entire time. He already knew who I was.

"But you know...your quirk is also pretty great. The ability to take away free will. The ability to control people, make them fear you, make them listen to you...that is why I chose you." Overhaul whispered, looking at me in awe.

"P-Please. Make it stop." I whimpered out, grabbing both sides of my head.

"Why should I? This is what your quirk does. This is what you make other people feel, when you use it on them. Can you believe it? I guess you're kind of a monster." He chuckled, lightly patting my shoulder.

I felt a single tear escape from my eye, as I continued trying to hide within myself.

I felt so small. So insignificant. So terrified of him.

"Awww." Overhaul mumbled in mock sympathy, wiping away my tear with his gloved finger, before continuing.

"Anyways, I've got to get going. So, I'll tell you only the basics for now. I was the one who bought you from Nyūshin labs, a little over a year ago. I was planning it for awhile, but I wanted them to run more tests on you, to make sure you could fulfill what I wanted you for. Once I found out you were capable, I made my purchase on you, and I was all set to pick you up. I had big plans for you, Margo. That is, until I showed up to Nyūshin that day, only to realize you had escaped earlier that morning." Overhaul sighed, balling his fist in anger now.

I felt myself hyperventilating, as I reflected on a conversation I had with Scientist A, the day before I left Nyūshin:

"You'll be heading to your new home tomorrow, remember?" Scientist A said, gently slicing my skin with the scalpel to take my blood.

That's right. Someone ended up buying me for their own experimental purposes. I was to be transferred there tomorrow.

"Can you at least tell me who it is?" I sighed out, feeling the pain medicine starting to make me drowsy.

Scientist A hummed blankly, rolling up his lab coat sleeves to his elbows.

"Can't." Was all he uttered

I felt my body full on trembling now, as I listened to Overhaul's words. Even without the syringe he injected into my neck, that made my quirk ten times stronger on me....he would have still triggered me with these words.

And he knew it, very well.

"I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment when I found out my toy was gone, disappeared from Nyūshin without a trace. But, don't worry. I tracked you down. Sure, it may have taken awhile, but I'm a very determined man. I always get what I want. Once I found you, I sent you little gifts to let you know I was coming: surprise attacks after your school dances, tracking calls to that old, crappy phone of yours." He continued.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now