💖~~Chapter 25~~💖

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Chapter 25!
Of Her Human Mate!

Artist: Ava Max
Song: So am I

Enjoy reading my readers!


"Veronica that's enough" I demand her.
"That's enough?! Enough of what? You going behind my back and cheat on me!" She stump one of her legs on the floor.
"We both knew it wouldn't work out!" I growled at her.
"Well it could if you would've tried!" Veronica cross her arms, annoyed at the situation.
"I couldn't Veronica. I didn't love you." I said straight forward.
"Of course you didn't, but I did! Have you ever thought about my feelings." Veronica argued.
I wanted to say yes, but that would all be a lie.
"No." I bluntly told her.
Veronica took a step back in shock. Then her eyes widen from my answer. I saw red in her eyes until I blink and the color was gone. I heard something whimper in my head, but I didn't think twice about it cause I was already crazy at the moment.
"Oh. I see how it is." She was furious.
"I hope you enjoy your 'new' girlfriend, cause she'll won't last long." Veronica knock my shoulder as she walked away.

Something inside me snapped from what she said about Ava. I felt deep in my guy something was scratching inside my soul. My body twitch, while I gritted my teethes holding back a growl. I didn't like how Veronica talked about her like that. She doesn't know anything about her and I...
I also don't know much about my so called "Mate".

I may have a wolf deep down in me, but what I heard from Ava. He won't fully develop in my body until I fully except being a werewolf. Which I don't know yet. If I do agree, I won't be available to keep this secret for so long and what about my parents?! My football career? My father would be disappointed and ask for reasons. What will I tell him? Imagining myself telling the truth about accepting my wolf to my parents. That is chaos to my life. They would send me to a therapist or worse, find me a different brain! I don't want them trading my brain to something that could mess my whole life up!
"Idiot." A deep husky growl rumble in my head.
I flinch.
"The fuck was that?" I asked myself.
Nothing respond to me.

I sigh, pitching my nose. How can my life jump unexpectedly out of control? I need to fix something, but before I could my head went back to Ava. I left her outside and she must be cold. From that thought something inside me made me quickly run out of the building to check on her. The outside air froze my warm body making me shove my hands in my pockets. I looked all around finding a girl with silver hair. How hard is it to find a beautiful girl? Let me tell you, it's harder then you thought.

I sighted my car near the far side of the parking lot. I walked up to it and Ava was no where in sight. I gulp wondering where she could have gone. I panic. Inside my soul felt unease and very uncomfortable which took me by surprise. I have never been unease this much before, right? The same sound of a husky growl echo in my head as if it was a casual thing. I grumble. She much be just pranking me.
"Ava come on. We have to go home." I yelled out.

"How can a girl throw someone twice her size?" I heard a soft whisper.
"She knock him out with one hit!"
"That's impressive, but sadly I couldn't see the rest."
"Me either. It was as if we saw something from a musical theater and then the curtain shuts the view."
"Crazy, but makes sense." A group of laughter fills the air.

What are they talking about? A feeling inside of me was telling me Ava was in trouble. I couldn't help but think that she is. My hand shakily dig in my right pocket and lift my phone out. I dial Noah's number.
"Alaric, my man. Wrong timing, but what's up?!" Noah's tired voice went through my phone.

My breath pace, anger control my emotions thinking about my Ava being harmed.
"Ava's missing."

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