Chapter 22: The Friend

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The tunnels were controlled by Rudra like he said. But he did not predict the tunnels' unpredictability. They transported each of the group to different by tunnels. Viaan was thrown off balance in white light. The illumination temporarily blinded him. Rudra needed proper training, Viaan thought. Nevertheless he moved forward and started exploring the tunnel.

The white light was slowly changing to green and Viaan became alert. The tunnel was becoming broad and there was a clearing ahead. Viaan entered the clearing. He was standing under moon light and the trees stood ominous around him. Viaan waited for someone to confront him.

His wait resulted in a masked man entering his vision. Viaan was sick of masks by then.

"Not gonna ask anything, eh prince?" The man spoke in a hard voice.

"It wouldn't matter. You would certainly gloat if I did."

"You are humorous for someone trapped by all sides." Viaan could see the smirk on his face even though he couldn't see the person. Sometimes the voice and eyes tell everything there is to know about a person.

"No one is surrounding me."

"You have no allies. You think this elaborate trap is about you? Think again!" The last words pinched Viaan.

"You are all trying to enslave Mihira. I know all about that."

The man laughed.

"Certainly more clever than that brother of yours. You foresaw something he never understood. How are you gonna save? Are you gonna save your family or your kingdom? Tough choice, eh?"

"No, it isn't. "

"You are a bigger fool them if you think it's easy."

"No one can harm my family or my kingdom because it maybe a kingdom to you but it is family to me. And no one can hurt my family until I stop breathing."

"Hardened mind, I know of your mother. But do you think she really died? You still don't know many things and you are a child among all of us."

"Okay sir, if I'm a child, why have you summoned me here? You caught me mid transport. And if you did that, you are certainly here to give me some halfhanded help. Am I right? Your Majesty?"

The man removed the mask which covered the upper half of his face. The striking blue eyes were never mistaken because the king of Adhira induced fear in everyone he met.

The king grinned at Viaan.

"I had to know if you still had the same heart after seeing your brother. It is easy to get corrupted by your own blood. I have seen this happen many times. But you are still the same kid who played with me. Demanding and pure hearted. Albeit now ridiculously brave."

Viaan thought if it was too late to bow. He was after all, a long and protocols were protocols.

"Come here!"

Viaan followed the king to a mango tree. The mangoes were orange and Viaan wanted to eat them. All the scheming in the underground tunnels had made him hungry.

"I knew that you were in Adhira. Adhyay kept me posted."

Viaan didn't know what to answer to that statement so he waited for the king to continue.

"Let's get to the main topic. Your kingdom is at the risk of enslavement. And they plan to kill all the royals. Even the kids. So you should thwart their plan. Adhira is always ready to aid Mihira. We will always be friends. But the other kingdoms are all in this diabolic plan. They are being forced to do this. You must remove the threat to all the kingdoms. You know what happened to Nairiti's family. The same is being planned for you. Nairiti doesn't know this but her siblings are alive. You must tell her this. She needs to find them and get her kingdom back. Do you understand?"

The king did change the axis of his world. Viaan nodded.

"And now you must return to your brother. I have only one request. Don't believe your eyes. Believe your heart and mind."

Viaan was puzzled by this bizarre request. But he agreed so as to not anger the king.

The king nodded and then Viaan was thrown back to the pond he visited earlier. The difference was there stood other person in his spot.

Vivaan turned back and he could see the shadows in the pristine blue water.

"You are in time, brother. Are you ready to go meet your mother in the after life?"

Viaan was getting irritated at how both the king and his brother hinted at his mother's existence without any other explanation.

"Don't you dare utter her name? You have no right to talk about her when you betray everything she stood for."

Vivaan just shrugged without any change in his expression.

"Do you know what this pond is? Its the magical centre of Mihira. Once I use it to strip you of your powers, I can become the ruler of Mihira. You already did my job."

"What do you mean?"

"You came here in both sunlight and moonlight. Now the eclipse will allow you to be in the presence of both sun and moon in the same line. My job is done."

"And you think I have no choice?"

"Its either that or I don't give you the antidote to the eternal sleep the kingdom will be under in. Its just a simple choice. One person or a whole kingdom."

"I think the choice is between less bad or greater bad. If I listen to you, the kingdom will be under the most tyrannical rule they will ever see and if I don't, I have the chance to cure them."

Viaan knew he had gained time by this argument.

"Now I'm giving you a choice, brother. Come with me and reverse everything you have done or face punishment for your crimes."

"Do you think I don't have any bargaining chip?"

Viaan just looked at Vivaan and he saw nothing hidden on his face.

"If you don't listen to me, your mother will die, prince."

Author's note:
I'm back after a long time.
This is dedicated to Anon_Star

What do you think of the story so far? Does it have enough twists? Do you think about what will happen next?

Because I believe a story is good when it makes me think about it and the characters. And I don't know what you think of mine.

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