Chapter Ten: Coollikers And Danosaurs

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            As Denise sat quietly in the lounge on a sofa, she scrolled through her dashboard on Tumblr. She saw loads of people reblogging the link to Charlie's and Dan's videos and saying such harsh words. There were still some fans who said they support their relationship but they only got called suck-ups. She searched the tag "Charlie McDonnell" and saw tons of posts about how people did not trust her with Charlie's heart. Some were even pissed off because there was drama.

            She switched to her phone and opened her Twitter account and saw so many mentions from Charlie's fans saying they don't like their relationship. She also found tweets from Dan's fans who were questioning her whether there was more to her friendship with Dan. She thought they probably got her account because Charlie, Dan, Phil and Alex followed her earlier that day. Sure, her followers blew up from eight-hundred to nearly two-thousand but she still couldn't stand the hate she was receiving.

            What bothered her most was the fact that coollikers and danosaurs were basically at war. Some coollikers would claim that Charlie and Denise were in love, better together and that they ship "Charise" while some danosaurs would claim that Denise was actually dating Dan all along, Charlie was just a cover-up and that they ship "Danise". Some from both ends would rant about how pathetic the drama was and that they should just get over the fact that Charlie's dating someone and that someone is Dan's best friend. But nearly majority of them just hated the fact that Denise was in Charlie's and Dan's lives now and that they wanted her out as soon as possible.

            Even seeing posts from both coollikers and danosaurs saying that they support the fact that Denise was now in the picture and that she should do anything she wished didn't cheer Denise up. She knew it was just a small internet drama with people posting and tweeting in Caps Lock but she still felt bad. Horrible, even.

            Moments later, she felt arms wrap around her shoulder as she heard Charlie's nearly breaking voice, "I am so sorry, Denise. I didn't want any of this to happen! I'm so sorry for all the hate you're getting."

            "It's okay, Charlie," Denise lied to calm him down, "You're famous and your coollikers are just being a bit protective. I understand."


            "Charlie," she started as she turned around and cupped Charlie's face with both her hands, "I'm a Directioner. Well, you can at least call me that. And because I like One Direction, I tend to get skeptical and protective whenever I find out they're seeing someone. I know how your fangirls feel. If I didn't end up meeting you and being with you and you suddenly announce that you have a girlfriend, I would flip out, too. I'm a coolliker as well, remember?"

            "Wait, you're a Directioner?" Alex asked with one eyebrow up, suddenly changing the topic, "Seriously?"

            "Don't judge me," Denise replied with a threatening look.

            "What do they even do that makes most girls nearly faint?" Phil asked with a less offensive tone.

            Denise smirked, "Your mum."

            Phil laughed at the unexpected reply, "I didn't see that one coming."

            Dan laughed even harder, "That's what she said!"

            Hearing those classic lines, Denise couldn't help but laugh for real. Everyone else was laughing their bums off, too. It felt good for all of them to know that they can still have fun even when there's drama. Dan slowly allowed his laughter to disappear before smiling at Denise, "That's what amazes me about you, Denise; you have your own little way to laugh away your problems."

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