Chapter Two: The Anonymous Friend

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            Denise looked at the man from head to toe with her jaws still dropped. She definitely knew who he was. The guy’s voice, his black hair, his brown eyes and even his white shirt; how could she forget all of those? Her brain could have been wired to recognize him wherever she may be. The possibility of misidentifying the guy was extremely low.

            “Hi,” the guy said again with that familiar voice, “I’m Daniel Howell. Call me Dan.”

            At this point, Denise felt her heart skip a beat. She was right; it was Dan Howell. The Dan Howell. The exact same Dan Howell which she adores on Youtube. Somehow, she even nearly tried to reach out and touch him to check if he was real and not behind a computer screen.

            Obviously uncomfortable with the awkward silence, Dan spoke again, “Um, may I sit with you?”

            Denise had to shake her head to return as a civilized human being and not some lifeless statue. She gulped and replied with a controlled smile and a slight stammer, “O-oh, right. Of c-course you may.”

            Dan thanked her with a smile and sat down in front of her at the table, “So, you’re my anonymous internet best friend, huh?”

            “Well,” Denise said with a small laugh, “not very anonymous anymore, I guess.”

            Dan laughed, “Well, you’re right. So, um, what’s your name? I’ve already told you mine.”

            “Oh, my name’s Denise,” she said nervously without looking at him, “Denise Avacyn.”

            Surprised, Dan blinked, “Avacyn? You mean like Princess Avacyn, the model? She’s very famous. I’ve seen her fashion shows on TV. She designs her own outfits, right?”

            Why do people always remember her sister automatically when she states her last name? She sighed, “Yes, she does. She’s actually my sister.”

            “Wow, cool!” he said, smiling, “So, what do you do for a living that made you move to London? Are you a model like your sister?”

            She wanted to give herself a very painful face palm before answering that question, “No. Actually, I’m unemployed. I came here to London hoping I could find a job and live on my own. Probably as journalist or something like that, I guess.”

            “Oh, that’s nice. The UK definitely needs another journalist. I bet you’ll find it easy to get a job,” he said encouragingly, “I make vlogs and upload them on Youtube. It’s sort of my job and my hobby. Basically my life, really.”

            “I know.”

            “You do?”

            Shit! Why the fuck did you say that, Denise? Now you sound like a stalker! she thought. Now she definitely wanted to scatter away and pretend like she never met Dan in person. It was so inappropriate for her to say that. Neither of them was suppose to know who the other was and now she made it look like she had known it was him all along.

            “No! I mean, yeah, I know you make videos on Youtube, “she said uneasily while playing with her fingers and avoiding eye contact, “That’s because I’ve watched your videos. All of them, actually. I’ve been subscribed to you for a long while now.”

            “Really? That’s awesome! So that explains your reaction when you turned around and looked at me. The look on your face was priceless!” Dan said with obvious amusement, “I never expected you to be a girl, let alone be a fan of my videos.”

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