Chapter Three: Moving In With Youtube's Best

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            Loud sounds of banging were heard from the outside of Phil’s bedroom door, “Phil! Phil, wake up! Wake up!”

            Phil turned and flipped lazily to the other side of his bed as he reached out for his phone. It was six in the morning. Why was Dan waking him up at this ungodly hour? Instead of getting up and asking him to go back to sleep, he simply grunted.

            “Phil, get up!” Dan shouted as he knocked loudly again, his voice filled with excitement, “Phil, open up!”

            “What do you want, Daniel?!” he shouted angrily as he tried hopelessly to fall back into his slumber, “Go back to sleep. You’ll wake the others!”

            “They already are!”

            What? Phil thought as he opened his blue eyes properly, why were the others up so early?

            “Phil, c’mon, get up!” Dan insisted once more with loud knocks accompanying his plea, “Philip—!”

            “Alright, alright, I’m up!” Phil shouted, blinking away his drowsiness, “Now stop knocking so loudly before you break down my door.”

            Phil didn’t hear knocks anymore but he did hear Dan running down the stairs. Half-heartedly, he sat up from his comfy bed and sighed. He was never used to waking up so early in the morning. He got up and faced himself in front of the mirror. His ebony hair was all messed up, typical bed head. His eyes still looked like they were about to close. He went to sleep with only boxers on so he could clearly see his bare chest. “You don’t look a day over twenty, Philip,” he said to himself.

            Scratching his neck a little, he took a pair of shorts and a purple shirt and wore them on as he went downstairs for breakfast. On his way down, he could hear his mates laughing and chatting. When he got to the kitchen, his housemates were already sitting around the breakfast table, munching on some cereal.

            “Good morning, sleepy head,” Dan greeted, “Go get yourself some breakfast.” He was still wearing the white shirt and jeans that he slept in with and his hair was equally as messy as Phil’s.

            “I was about to,” Phil said rather grumpily, “What are you all doing up so early anyway?”

            “Dan woke us up,” Charlie explained while munching down a spoonful of cereal and flicking his blonde brown hair, “He said he had something important to tell us.”

            “I was having such a great dream then BAM! Dan’s voice comes crashing the fuck in,” Alex added while stretching out his arms to emphasize his statement, “You owe me.”

            Dan laughed, “Sorry mate.”

            Charlie McDonnell and Alex Day, Phil and Dan’s other housemates. The four of them had been friends for quite a long time because they all make vlogs on Youtube. Charlie was much like Phil; sweet and innocent (in a way). Alex was much like Dan; ridiculous and apparently loud. Charlie and Alex have nearly the same hair color only they wear their hair in different ways; Charlie just lets his curls surround his face while Alex has his hair up most of the time like a big stylish explosion or something.

            Anyway, Phil turned to Dan, “What was it you wanted to talk about, mate?”

            Dan smiled awkwardly as he eyed his bowl of cereal, “Well, you guys remember when I went out last night to see a friend?”

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