Nightmares - VIII

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You and S/O were captured, demons both on top of you. The demon shoved its knee into your throat, so you couldn't breath. I looked over to see how S/O was holding up and if they were okay ...but.. they were the opposite. The demon was punching the shit out of S/O.
I finally got my mind out of the gutter and grabbed my Nichirin Sword, sliced the demons head that was on top of me, and ran over to slice the demon that was on S/O. I did exactly that and kicked the demons face away. I still couldn't breath as I crouched by S/O.
"Y-Y/N-Chan.. Ahah... I won't make it..." I heard S/O murmer and I tried to speak but I couldn't. S/O smiled lightly, "Y/N-Chan, shh, okay?" They whispered and I could finally feel the tears falling dowm my cheeks. I was losing breath quickly and surely turning blue. "Shh, you'll be okay, Y/N." S/O murmered, closing his eyes. "" He shot his eyes and his breathing stopped. I wanted to scream so loud. I watched as my vision faded from not being able to breath. I finally blacked out.

Tanjirō Kamado

I shot up quickly and my hands immediatley went to my neck. I breathed, well, hyper ventilated. It was just a nightmare.. Yet it felt so real. I felt tears coming from my eyes and wiped them off. I got up and sighed, walking over to the training room in hope Tanjiro was there. I opened the door a little bit and peeked in. I saw Tanjiro training and sighed of relief. "T-Tanjiro-Kun? Can you come here?" I spoke and cursed myself for stuttering. Tanjiro turned over to me and walked over. "Mm, good-morning! What is it-" He paused when he saw my face and got a look of concern.

"Y/N-Chan! What happened? Are you okay?" He asked carefully and I just hugged him and of course he hugged back. "I just wanted to see if you were okay.." I murmed as I placed my forehead on his chest. He let out an 'Ohhh' of realization. "I see... Well, I'm okay, you see?" He smiled softly at me. "Whatever happened didn't actually happen." He spoke in a gentle tone which was very calming. "Mm, thank you, Tanjiro-Kun." I smiled. "Of course."

Zenitsu Agatsuma

I shot up and placed a hand on my chest and Zenitsu shot up right after me. "Y/N-Chan! Are you okay?! Was there a creepy noise or something?" He exclaimed and pulled the blanket up to his lips. I looked down and shook my head. "Oh? What's wrong then?" He questioned, leaning closer. "It's nothing." I shrugged it off and Zenitsu squeezed me in a hug. "Liarr! I can tell!" He exclaimed and I sighed.

"Nightmare. It's not a big deal." I murmered and he hummed in response. "Oh, silly nightmares. Don't think about it! Look at me!" He exclaimed once more and I rose a brow, looking at him. He booped my nose and gave me a quick kiss. "Just think about what I just did~" He hummed all cute-like and I laughed lightly.

Giyu Tomioka

I woke up to Giyu's voice and I breathed in quickly. "Y/N-Chan, why do you have such a tight grip on my arm?" He questioned, looking slightly concerned. I let go of his arm and noticed red marks on his from where my hand gripped. "O-Oh! I'm sorry-!"
"It's fine, I was just wondering. You look a little pale, too." He said with concern, placing his hand on my forehead.

I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "No, I just had a nightmare. It's not a big deal." I shook my head and he blinked a couple of times. "Oh, I see." He brought me closer and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Well, don't think about whatever happened. It wasn't real, okay?" He smiled lightly, and who couldn't resist his smile?

Inosuke Hashibira

I woke up in cold sweat and a coughing fit, which made Inosuke jolt up beside me. Inosuke turned to me with a confused look and began to pat my back lightly, "Y/N-Chan?" He said in a tired voice. "Are you okay?" I nodded lightly and turned to him, clinging on tightly to his back. "Y-Yeah. Fine." I mumbled in a quiet voice and he thought for a moment.

"You're lying." Inosuke stated and I was slightly taken back. "You had a..uhm.." He pondered for a moment. "Nightmare, didn't you?" He questioned and I hesitantly nodded. "Y-Yeah. It's okay though, really" I spoke in a hushed voice and he sighed. "Well, I trust that it's okay. I trust you." He said, laying back. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my chest, quickly falling asleep. I fell asleep quickly after he did, too.

Mitsuri Kanroji

"Y/N-Chan~" My eyes shot open to the voice of Mitsuri and I sighed in relief. She looked confused and grabbed my hand, "Y/N-Chan, you look a little blue, and I dont mean sad. Are you okay dear?" She question concerningly and I nodded. "Of course, I just had a nightmare." I sighed out and she let out an Ohh.

"Oh, Y/N-Chan.. I hope it wasn't very bad. Could you not breath? Is that why you're a light-blue?" she questioned as she poked my cheek and I nodded. "Wah! I'm sorry!" She hugged me tight and rested her head on my chest. " You don't deserve that! Agh... stupid nightmares.. " She kept mumbling before she fell asleep.

Muichiro Tokito

"Y/N-Chan." I shot up at Muichiro's voice and I put a hand on my chest as I took quick breaths. Muichiro looked confused but mainly concerned as he grabbed my hand. "What's wrong,
Y/N-Chan?" He questioned carefully and I looked down.
"N-Nothing, just a nightmare." I mumbled and he sat up, taking my face with his hands.

"Ah, what was it about?" He questioned and I looked off. " We were captured by demons. The demons... They... They killed you. " I frowned and he hugged me, placing small kisses on my cheeks. "Oh, I'm sorry Y/N-Chan. But I'm okay, you see? It's all okay." He smiled and I smiled paetially back at him and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Obanai Iguro

My eyes shot open and I glanced around, immediatley locking eyes with Obanai. I laughed nervously and looked off. "Obanai-Kun, how long have you been awake?" I questioned and he rose a brow. "Hm, doesn't matter. You were crying in your sleep,
Y/N-Chan. Why?" He questioned, using his thumbs to wipe some tears off my cheeks.

"O-Oh! It's really nothing to worry about." I nervously smiled at him, but he only kept staring at me. "Oh, you talk in your sleep too, remember? I was just seeing what you would say." He said and grabbed my shoulders pulling me closer to him. "I'm not dead, it's fine." He smiled lightly, kissing me on the forehead. I smiled a bit and wrapped my hands around his waist as I slowly drifted back to sleep.

Shinobu Kochou

My eyes shot open and I inhaled air quickly, then broke out into a coughing fit. I heard Shinobu sat up behind me and I let out a sigh of relief inbetween my coughs. Shinobu began to run her hand up and down my back. "Y/N-Chan? Are you okay? Do you need some water?" She questioned carefully and I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I just had a nightmare." I smiled partially and she nodded, hugging me close.

"Is that so? What about?" She questioned and I frowned. " We were captured by demons. I couldn't breath the whole time, and the demon killed you. It was... " I tugged at the pajama shorts I was wearing. "It felt so real." I murmered and her eyes widened before she hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry. But it's all okay, don't be sad. I'm alive and well." She smiled lightly.

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