Shinobu Kochou Catch-Up

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First Meet

"Giyu-Kun, who is this girl that wanted to meet me again?" I questioned my brother and he sighed. "I've told you this many times already, you need to get better at listening, Y/N-Chan. Her name is Shinobu Kochou." He streched out her name and I huffed, folding my arms. "Well is she less sassy then you?" I huffed and Giyu rolled his eyes, ignoring me.

Giyu and I finally met up face to face with a girl who had a butterfly hairpin. "Good afternoon, Giyu-Kun." The girl bowed to Giyu and then turned to me. "Oh, and you must be Y/N-Chan, right? Y/N Tomioka... That has a nice ring to it, don't you think, Giyu-Kun?" Shinobu smiled at me and Giyu and Giyu just nodded slightly.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N-Chan. You have such pretty, vibrant eyes." She bowed and complimented and I began to blush, but I bowed along with her. "T-Thank you. It's nice to meet you too, your butterfly hairpin is pretty." I smiled and bowed back at her. She smiled wholesomely at me and I smiled back. Giyu sighed and started to walk off.

"Oh, there goes Giyu-Kun. It's just me and you then." She smiled lightly. "I'll show you around the Butterfly Estate, then. Lets go~" she hummed and grabbed my hand as she walked away.

Saves You

I held my breath as the demon sinked its fangs into my arm. It hurts like hell.. where could Giyu be when I needed him the most? Or even Shinobu? No.. They're probable busy right now. Im not a main priority. I don't matter that much, probably not as much as what they're doing.

But suddenly, the demon's eyes widened as it's veins grew purple. It shoved itself off of me and tried to run away, but stumbled and dropped dead. I held my arm close to me and sat up, catching my breath. The demon decided to dig its knees into my chest which hurt a lot.

I looked up and saw purple orbs staring at me and I realized it was Shinobu that saved me. I shold've known, shes the only demon slayer I know that uses poison that turns the veins a purple color. "S-Shinobu-Chan-!" I exclaimed and she hushed me, picking me up and running-well- a mix of running and jumping to the Butterfly Estate. We made it there quickly and she took me to a room, which I remembered was her room, and laid me down on the bed. She bandaged my arm and checked for any broken ribs, which thankfully there weren't any.

"I can't thank you enough, Shinobu-Chan." I said with a thankful sigh and Shinobu smiled. "Of course, Y/N-Chan. After all, I would never want you to die. " She ran the back of her hand down the side of my cheek and I blushed lightly, glancing off. She giggled at the sight. "Aw~, you look so cute flustured." She said with a smile which made me blush beet red, and which made her giggle even more.

(S)he Begins to Like You


I watched Y/N as she slept and smiled contently. She was always so cute and kind, I knew that from the beginning. Although she is quite stubborn towards her brother, Giyu, she was extra nice to me. I wonder what the reason of that was for?

I know I've fallen for her. I just don't know how to tell her... Maybe tommorow.

Yeah.. tommorow.

Her features are so unique. She barely shares any features with Giyu, except for the fact that when she gets serious her face gets so mean-looking. But she can somehow still pull off being beautiful when she's mean. I wish I could know how she does it.

Kisses You

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I tiredly yawned, slowly opening my eyes. I immediatley saw Shinobu who was holding a mug, a swirl of steam was coming from it. "Good morning, Y/N-Chan. I made you some tea." She smiled lightly, handing me the tea as I took a sip of it. "Are you feeling better now?" She questioned as I nodded with a smile. She gave a cute close-eyed smile back.

"Y/N-Chan, I have a confession." Her voice was more quiet then before and I cocked my head confusingly. "A confession? Oh, what?" I questioned and she inhaled, speaking quickly. I've never seen Shinobu so nervous. "Y/N-Chan, I fell for you." She nervouslt laughed and my eyes widened, I almost dropped the cup of tea. "Really?" I asked and she nodded. "Shinobu-Chan.. Oh, silly! I like you too!" I smiled brightly at her and she looked overwhelmed with happiness.

She leaned in rather quickly and gave me a long, meaningful kisss. She seemed like she had been wanting to do this for a very, very long time. I've kind of wanted it, too. She's an excellent kisser as well. We parted after what felt like 10 minutes.

"Ah, wow.. I've been wanting to do that forever, Y/N-Chan. Your lips are so soft." She hummed with a satisfied smile.

A/N: Jeez, finally done with the four new characters' catch-ups! I can finally get back to writing the scenarios with all the characters in them. Thank you for your time~

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