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Luca x pregnant!Reader fluff

Luca was guarding the colony, as per usual, when he heard a loud call of a wildcat, then a scream. He knew the screams of a human all too well. Quickly, he signed to another gorilla guard that he would be back soon and raced down the hill towards the sound. As he approached, he heard the whimpering and yelps of the human. Based on the sound, it was a female. He peaked over the bushes and saw the wildcat was limping around her, stalking her as she lay on the ground hugging her stomach. Luca's eyes widened; the human was with child! Quick as lightning, he lunged out if the bushes and at the wildcat with a mighty roar. The cat hissed and swiped at him as Luca beat his huge chest and huff loudly at it. The wildcat slowly backed down, hissing as it began to run the other way and finally, it disappeared into the bushes. Luca felt pride surge through him as he etched the cat go before turning to the human.

You were laying on your side with a long deep gash on your leg, holding your stomach with both arms in a protective shield and breathing quick small pants. Luca set the spear down so as not to seem any more threatening and approached slowly.

Suddenly you felt a deep shot of pain in your stomach and groaned, doubling over and clutching your stomach with a heavy pant. You were so close to giving birth and all alone. How could he leave you...

"Please... help me..." you suddenly whimpered as you held your hand out to him.

The ape didn't hesitate, taking your hand gently and wrapping his large arms around you, lifting you up bridal style and walking quickly to who knows where. You were still afraid of the large male, but seeing as how he saved you and hasn't harmed you yet, she decided to lower your guard a bit. Your pants began to increase as he sped up a hill, holding your stomach and groaning in pain. Luca was startled when you suddenly shrieked and noticed your bottom and legs were soaked; your water broke. He began to panic a bit and ran the rest of the way to the colony. He didn't stop for the other guards, not even for the ape king who watched in amazement and confusion as his finest guard rumbled past him with a whimpering human in his arms.

Luca made it to the Obas and all but begged them to help. The Obas noticed your situation and quickly agreed, laying you down and getting to work. Luca was shoved out of the hut and told to wait while the females began pulling off your clothes and setting furs and bowls of water beside her. One Oba used your torn up shirt to cool you by dipping it in water and pressing it to your face while the others prepared for their unexpected arrival.

As Luca waited outside for the Obas to do their work, the ape king slowly approached his friend.

'What is happening Luca? You brought a human here?' He signs angrily.

'Forgive me. She is with child and was attacked by a cat. She would have died if I didn't help her.' He signs back. Ceaser's frown softened at the word child and sighed, nodding and walking back to his spot, leaving Luca to care for the situation himself.

Suddenly, Luca heard a scream. He tensed, knowing he shouldn't be so worried but seeing that human did something to him. He paced listening to the humans yelps and screams until suddenly she stopped. He paused, looking to the doorway and waiting. Then an Oba walked out of the hut, smiling and nodding to him. He wasted no time in going in, spotting you laying on the bed and holding a little bundle of fur in your arms with a smile on your face. You turned to Luca and smiled at him, nodding to him when he approached.

"Thank you." You say weakly.

Luca smiled a little and nodded, putting his finger in the little ones hand and he squeezed his finger. You and Luca shared a smile, knowing full well you were going anywhere. You watched the gorilla coo at your son as he say beside you.

"What's your name?" You ask quietly, making him turn to you.

"...Luca." he replies quietly. You smile and nod.

"I'm (y/n)..." you say. He smiled and nods to you, running the baby's soft head while you speak to him. The two of you spoke for a while before he finally took his leave, wishing you a good night and you snuggled into the bed with your baby. So you didn't find a home yet and the baby arrived, you could make due. As you fell asleep, Luca rushed to the kings side and asked a strange question.

'You want her to stay?' Ceaser asks in awe.

'She is all alone with a child. They could get hurt. Just for a little while...' he replies.

Ceaser sighs, looking at his own wife who was with child and nodded to Luca. Luca thanked the king and went to bed with a clear conscience and a smile on his face.

Three years later and you sat on the balcony of your new hut, a torn piece of fur in your hands and your eyes cast downwards to the little three year old boy running around the colony. Luca helped you immensely, always bringing you things you needed and watching over the baby while you slept. Eventually you two found yourselves in a mother and father like scenario. Your three year old son looked up to Luca, always trailing behind him and learning from him. You named him Luke, after the ape that saved your life and the life of your baby. And you couldn't be happier with your new life.

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