Blue Eyes x Ash x You

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Blue Eyes x Reader x Ash smut

You panted as you dove through the tree lining one fine early morning, running as fast as your feet could carry you. Sometimes your foes never even touched the ground you ran so fast, closing over fallen tree trunks and boulders, swinging on branches and racing down the hill. Behind you, two males sped quickly through the trees, their eyes set on your quick form as they swing from branch to branch, eyeing each other as they came up with a plan to snatch you.

'Go left.' Blue Eyes signs as he swing right.

Ash nods and up a left, both circling you quickly. As you slowed to a stop to catch your breath, you perked up above the trees to see if they were following, panting heavily while scouring the trees for those sneaky apes.

"Where are you..." you breath as you stop completely in a clearing of an a patch of moss and grass by the small stream.

Suddenly, a hard heavy body lunged at you, taking you down from the right with a yelp from you. You fell, rolling a ways as the ape let go. You quickly rolled to a stand to run, but didn't notice Ash had rushed behind you, then shoved you hard into a mossy like beside the water. Both apes stood over you, panting heavily through their noses and glared down at you. Hour heart stuttered in fear for a moment as you lay there at the mercy of the two large males.

"We won." Ash says, his voice deep and soft.

"You know what that means." Blue Eyes' own deep huskier voice rreplies causing you to sigh and lay back.

"Yeah, yeah..." you say with a smirk, lifting your head up and sitting up slowly, eyeing the two with a seductive smile.

" come claim me..." you say pulling on the drawstring of your top, allowing it to droop your breasts and lean against the hill of moss.

Both apes shared a smile before Ash went around to the back, kneeling behind you and taking your top with his huge hands, pulling the fur apart until your breasts dropped out. Blue Eyes licked his lips as he inched closer, his own fingers digging into the soft fur of your skirt, pulling the strings that held it together until nothing covered you. Ash was quick to start licking and suckling you neck and earlobe, urging a shiver and a moan from your mouth as Blue Eyes made a feast of your beasts, pawing at one while the other set between his dangerous powerful teeth. You groaned as the three of you began to feel each other up. Your right hand holding Ash's head as he continued to lick you while digging your nails into Blue Eyes' furry neck and back, bucking against him as he grinded directly against your core. You mewled in pleasure when Ash reached around, silently thanking him as he reached down and pulled the cloth off your lap, rubbing his hand down your thighs while Blue Eyes played with your nipples and suckling on the other.

Then Blue Eyes and Ash shared a look and Ash nodded, suddenly grabbing both your legs and lifting them up, making you squeak. He held your legs under your knees and continued his oral torture on the other side of your neck, making you shudder again. Blue Eyes rubbed the inside of your thighs as his cock throbbed with anticipation. Soon he was running his length along the swollen lips of your core, slowly pushing the tip into you. You bit your lip and groaned as he slowly pushed all the way in, sway her completely into you and taking hold of your arms. He pulled you against him, leaning on him as the new angle pushed him deeper into you. You moaned into his neck as you wrapped your arms around him, then squealed in delight when Ash's own heavy member pressed against your other entrance. He then slowly eased into you, humming as he thrust into you slowly, letting you adjust to his length.

Then you sat up against them and began to bob a bit against them grinding deliciously against the two as they both thrust in an out of you. You moaned louder when the two males rubbed and fucked you harder. Ash's hands gripped his hips and Blue Eyes held your waist while you held both their necks, kissing each lips slowly and shaking in pleasure with each thrust.

Suddenly you felt a surge of pleasure so intense it made you nearly scream as you clenched hard against them, reaching your peak and sending you down with a groan. The makes both pulsed beneath her and soon were also reaching their climax thrusting into her once more before they all slumped forward.

Ash was first to remove himself from you, as gentle as he could as he for up, gathering up your clothes and waiting until Blue Eyes slid out of you slowly and helped you stand. He held you steady while he stood and both males went to the stream to clean themselves. They stood up on the water while you dive right in, cleaning yourself with the wet sand beneath and scrubbing yourself of the scent the two left in and on you.

An hour of bathing thoroughly later, the three made their way back with plenty of meats that made up for the timing.
Ceaser x Koba x reader smut requested by Naihomy2156

Ceaser watched angrily as you and Koba came back from hunting, meats in hand and laughing to one another. Ever since that wonderful night the three of you shared, Ceaser had noticed how close you two became. It bothered him because he could no longer get you alone anymore because if Koba. But today that changes.

You had came off your cycle and the males could smell your arousal on you. Even Koba noticed, which was why he clung to your side the day you stopped bleeding and it was only two days ago. But in all honesty you enjoyed the company and attention. But you missed having the leader around as well. When you three were locked in that intimate embrace it made you need more and more. Koba smelled it apparently, so he trailed you always, again not that you minded. But you wanted them again and today you will have them.

"Koba, there's something I need to talk to you about. Will you meet me in my hut tonight?" You ask quietly. He quickly nodded, walking away with a smirk.

Then you moved to the king, watching him watch you warily as you walked up the ramp to him and sat beside him.

"We haven't spoken in a while... I have something I need to talk about. Will you be in my hut tonight?" He nods slowly and you smile, getting up and walking away. Both males came up with a plan, but so did you.

That night as the two made their way to your hut, they were surprised to see each other but said nothing, both giddy with excitement as they entered your hut. Both froze when they saw you laying in the middle of your large nest, stark naked and touching yourself. You moaned as your fingers penetrated your sex while your glazed eyes trailed over to them.

The look was enough to send the two to their knees. Koba made work go replace your hand with his face, rubbing his lips against the lips of your core, causing you to shudder while Ceaser licked and sucked your neck, massaging your breasts and pinching your nipples sending more delicious shudders down your spine. Then Koba was first to plunge his hot thick member into you, lifting you so you were on top of him, digging his cock deeper into you. Then Ceaser made no time in thrusting gently into you from behind.

You moaned as you were sandwiched between the two, moaning and gripping fur as they thrust in an out in an even pace. Each thrust was matched with your tight entrance squeezing them so good while they fucked you.

"Oh yes..." You groaned as one of them found hour spot, running body stopping shivers along your core as you melted against Koba's chest. Before you came however, the two stopped and pulled out of you causing you to mewl with a pout. Koba sat up with you still on his lap and set you on  your back, fondling your breasts as Ceaser's thick member pooed your cheek. Smirking, you opened your mouth and slowly, the ape king began to thrust into your mouth whole Koba thrusts into your cunt. You moaned around his cock, making Ceaser grunt and pant whole Koba sped his thrusts, gripping your waist and leaning over you. You closed your eyes and let the feeling of your peak climb higher against the two, until you felt Ceaser's cock twitch and soon he removed himself from you, pulling you against him and nodding to Koba. Koba was quick to pull out and you were suddenly flipped over on all fours.

Cesar slid into you with ease and began his own hard sloppy thrusts while Koba finished himself off in your mouth, ramming his thick cock into your throat until with a final grunt and gasp, his hot as men dripped down the back of your throat. You groaned and took his member, jerking him of his last bit of juices before moaning louder, feeling your own a release approaching. Then you came, squeezing around Ceaser's member hard and causing the king to jerk a couple more times, spilling his seed into your wet cavern with a groan. Once the three of you were spent. You laid in each of their arms, squished between them and fell asleep, holding their arms and kissing each of their rough lips before falling into a blissful sleep together.

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