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Koba x shy reader

She was so obvious it was funny. Her stuttering, her pink cheeks, her nervous fumbling of her fingers. He knew she liked him from the beginning. Koba was sitting on his perch above the apes as they ready for bed, the dark sky turning beautiful shades of pinks and purples as night crept closer. Yet he wasn't paying attention to the sky, his gaze was cast down at her, an amused smirk on his face while staring at the little female fumbling around the yard.

(Y/n) apparently had feelings for the male ape, always sending him secret looks while she worked with the others, watching as he walked by and when he turned, whipping around like she never looked. But he knew she did. She was even bright red and stuttering when he walked up to her, trying to ask her something yet she could spit it out without having to look away and take deep breaths. Instead, he would walk away shaking his head and she would be down for the rest of the day.

Tonight was all the same. He walked up behind her and told her goodnight, quickly zipping past so she doesn't have to speak to him for long. She whipped around in a circle and mutter a goodnight while watching him go. He felt her eyes on him an sstopped looking behind him. She tensed and turned around, pretending to busy her hands. He smirks in amusement and continues on, to his perch beside Ceaser, who was chuckling as he witnessed the scene himself.

'What did I tell you? She can't look at me without turning red.' He signs to the king.

'It is a surprise to me that you are ok with the human having these feelings for you.' Ceaser replies.

'Well, at first I didn't like her at all, but after I realized she had feelings for me I found better things in her. I don't know I still hate most humans. But maybe your right, maybe some humans aren't as bad as I thought.' He explains.

'So do you feel the same way?' He asks.

Did he? It was fun teasing (Y/n) about her feelings but deep down, he always had a soft spot for her. Is it because he liked her back? Koba sat back and thought it over. The two don't share many conversations because of her being so shy, but they always watch each other. Then when he does speak to her its when he is angry and she tries to be comforting. She even put a shaky hand on his shoulder once. It felt nice and it was comforting, but does that mean he felt for the human?

You were angry at yourself again. Three times in one day, he walked by you. Three times he tried to speak to you. And what do you do? You choke and end up messing it all up. Wouldn't have been so damn hard if he wasn't smirking at you, waiting for a reply as if he wanted to prove you can't speak to him. But that's it isn't it? You paused and blinked, growing frustrated. He wanted to prove that you were too chicken to speak to him. That sneaky monkey thinks your a coward!

"Oh I'll show you who's a coward." You grumble as you drop the sticks and walk away, straight to the perch above you.

"Koba!" You about as you stand firm, shoulders tense and glaring up at him. Koba looked down in surprise, seeing that you actually called him.

With a smirk, he jumped down and bean to climb towards you, his curiosity peaked. But when he started for you, your bravery deflated and you squeaked. Your hands began to shake and your breathing grew heavy as the male approached, dropping down in front of you no more then a foot away. He stood tall, arms crossed as he looked at you, an eyebrow ridge raised in waiting.

"I...I-..." you stuttered, your shoulders dropping with lost courage and your head went down to yours and his feet.

Your fingers found each other again and you gulped. What were you thinking!? He was the toughest ape around aside from Ceaser himself, how did you even get it in your head he likes you back? There's no proof you dipstick! He's gonna squash you like a bug!

As you yelled at yourself internally, Koba snuck a smirk up at Ceaser, who couldn't help but laugh quietly while shaking his head. The females got it bad. Koba turned around and waited more, but his patience was wearing thin and with you just standing there it was hard to know what you wanted to say. He sighs, watching as your mouth formed words but didn't say anything.

Then he rolled his eyes, shaking his head and growled, causing you to flinch and look up. Just as you did. He bent down, bringing his rough calloused lips to your own. Your eyes widened as he deepens the kiss, waiting for you to respond. Closing your eyes, you allowed your body to take over, hour shaky hands unwinding around each other and shooting up his neck, deepening the kiss further while his own hands found themselves around your waist, pulling you closer.

You hummed as he kissed you, your worries suddenly going away as you kissed the male of your dreams. Koba was liking it as well, not kissing much in his life and finally feeling your soft lips on his own was amazing to him. The two of you all but made out right there in the yard of the colony, not a care in the world as the leader watched from above, a humored smile on his face as you embraced below.

'I wish I had a camera.' He thinks to himself and shakes his head, going inside.

Koba was first to pull away, the lack of oxygen compelling him to remove his lips from your own. You gasped and looked up at him with wide eyes. He simply smiled down at you.

"Ape got your tongue?" He asks in a husky deep voice, causing little tingles to shoot up your spine.

You smiled, your cheeks brightening as you let go of his neck, taking his hand and gently pulling him, your head down again. Koba huffed out s chuckle as you shyly led him to your hut for more, not omplaining one damn bit.

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