Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes x mute OC

Ruby and her sister Rose trudged slowly through the forest of Red Woods, their dog Sam not far behind. Ruby was mute and when the flu broke out, they were forced to pack as many provisions as they could carry and take their dog Sam and run without Ruby being able to learn much sign. When they reached the Red Wood, her sister begged her to stop for a break. She plopped down on a nearby fallen tree trunk.

"Lets stop and have some lunch."

Ruby nodded and pulled off her own bag, along with her shotgun and set it down. She knelt by her pack and dug through it until she pulled out a rag wrapped up and held it out for her sister.

"Oh sweet i thought we were out of raspberries-" Rosa began.


Both girls jumped and Sam shot up growling.

"What was that?" Rose asked as they stood as well.

Ruby shakes her head and shrugs. Sam, their four legged companion, suddenly bristles, then barks as he takes off down the hill.

"Sam wait!" Rose shouts as she chases after the dog.

Ruby grabs her gun and follows the dog. They followed Sam down the hill as he continued to bark and snarl as he ran. Then suddenly he dove into the bushes and began barking more, followed by growling and snarling, even whining from another animal. Ruby and Rose shared a look before Ruby cocked her gun and slipped through the bushes, gasping st the sight.

There, two apes were attempting to defend themselves from a huge grizzly bear while wondering where a black and white spotted dog came from. Sam was barking at the bear as the bear growled and snarled at the small furry intruder. The apes watched on, confused as the dog defended them.

Then they were even more surprised when two female humans popped out of the bushes. One rushed to them while the other held a gun in her hands, aiming it at the bear as the dog barked in front of her.

"Ruby shoot it!" One female shouted.

The one known as Ruby aimed as the bear stood on its hind legs howling at her in warning, then took the shot. The bullet hit the bear directly in the neck and the bear let out a low whine as it staggered a bit, then fell forward, still and lifeless. Ruby sighed as she lowered her weapon while inching towards the beast while Sam sniffed it to make sure it was dead.

"Is it dead?" Rose asks.

Ruby nodded relieved as she slumped against a tree with a huff as Sam merely wagged his tail at them. Rose smiled in relief as the two apes stood up, causing the girls to turn to them. Sam's ears perked up and slowly walked up to the apes, sniffing them before wagging his tail at them.

"Are you alright?" Rose asks.

'Thank you for saving us.' the older ape signs.

"Oh my god..." Rose breathed, then waved her arm to Ruby, who was checking Sam to make sure he was ok.

She walked up and nodded to the apes in greeting begore Rose spoke.

"They can sign." she whispers to Ruby, whose eyes widened as she looked at them.

She gulped before walking up to them. Both apes stood taller, watching the female as she walked up.

'my name is Ruby.' she signs.

'i am Ceaser, this is my son Blue Eyes.' Ceaser replied.

Blue Eyes nodded to the girl, staring at her openly. She was beautiful for a human, with soft hair, bright eyes and kind smile. He walked up slowly, nodding to her as he signed hello. She nodded back as she smiled at the ape with bright blue orbs. He was taller than her by a few inches, with thick hair and fresh cuts on his face.

'Have ointment for that.' she signs to him pointing to his face.

He reached up and touched his face, then smiled a little nodding. Ruby smiled wider and motioned for the two to follow her and her sister. Sam panted as he led the way back to their bags and Ceaser watched as Ruby put the gun down and sifted through their bag.

Blue Eyes was wary of the weapon but considering they just saved them, he thought nothing of it. He inched closer as Ruby stood again with a small can of ointment. She smiled as she held it out for him to take. He took the can, his fingers brushing hers. Both jumped a bit at the tingling sensation they felt as they touched hands. Both froze, staring at each other a moment before he smiled softly at her, she doing the same.

Ceaser watched with narrowed eyes, wondering if maybe these two females could help form a union between human and ape kind. Just maybe.

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