Ceaser x Koba

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Drunk! Ceaser x Drunk! Koba

Ceaser walked down to the ramp and to Koba and Maurice, who stood at the entrance of the colony with a couple other apes, who nodded to them and left when the king approached.

'You needed to see me?' He signs to Maurice.

'Some apes found strange berries just beyond the perimeter. They tasted them and seemed to be fine to eat.' Maurice explains as they begin to walk through the colony.

'They have made juice out of them and wanted you to taste them.' Koba replies.

Ceaser nods as he walks into the large hut they found for food storage and saw a few apes gathered around a rusty machine.

'Where did you get this?' Ceaser asks, not sure what it was but knew it came from man.

'We found it past the perimeter. There were also glass bottles and jars everywhere.' One ape says holding up a jar they just opened. Ceaser sniffed it and cringed, smelling the tangy alcohol smell mixed with the same scent of berries they had in bowls around the hut.

'We did not know what this liquid was, but it didn't seem to harm Luca. He said it made him feel good.' Another replies as Ceaser takes the jar from the ape and looked down at it.

He knew what is was. He remembered when Will and Caroline drank some for their first year anniversary. They wouldn't let him have any and it made him wonder what it tasted like. He sighed through his nose, bringing the jar to his lips and taking a small sip, letting the cool strong liquid fill his mouth. It was delicious if not a bit tart.

'It is good, but strong. We cannot let the young drink this. We will save it for special days.' Ceaser decides, closing the jar and handing it back to the ape. But the ape shook his head and pushed it back against the king's hands.

'For you Ceaser.' He signs.

'Thank you.' Ceaser replies and walks out of the hut. Maurice and Koba, who were waiting outside, saw him with the jar and asked him what it tasted like.

'It tastes like... temptation.' He replies and walks past them with his new drink. Koba watched him walk away in confusion at his words.

That night as Ceaser sat above the trees, high where no one could see him, he opened the jar again and inhaled the sweet berry scent. He took some sips and let his body sag against the branch of the tree. It was so good and it made him feel so relaxed.

As he sipped again, he heard the branches below rustle and he hid the bottle quickly. Then he sighed, seeing Koba walk up.

'You have not ventured so high in some time, something troubles you.' Jobs says as he sat. Ceaser sighed, knowing he couldn't lie to him.

'Just thinking about my wife. I miss her every day but I am happy she no longer suffers.'

'We all are glad she no longer suffers. But we worry for you Ceaser. Being alone...' koba stops and sees the jar beside him.

'You have been drinking...' he signs.

Ceaser sighs and nods, handing him the jar. Koba sniffs the jar and cocks his head before taking a swig of the strong liquid. He blinks in surprise at the delicious taste and takes another while Ceaser looks out to the moonlight.

'I am lost my friend.' He says.

'So am I.' He replies sitting particularly close to Ceaser, who didn't move.

'We can be lost together.' He says draping an arm over his shoulder and Ceaser nods with a smile, putting his own arm around Koba's waist.

For an hour they sat there, sharing the jar until it was fairly empty. Both were barely seeing straight and they felt warm and tingly. Neither could sign anymore and they had all but fallen over each other. Koba had laid over Ceaser as Ceaser leaned on the bark of the tree. Then suddenly as if time had slowed down, the two males caught each others eyes. They couldn't pull their gazes from each other. Koba's emerald eyes caught Ceaser's own meadow colored orbs and for a moment time stood still.

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