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Koba x reader

"Koba, for crying out loud where are you taking me?" You laughed as the scarred ape, whom you recently married, dragged you out of your warm hut and into the cool night.

The full moon showed a glint of something in his eye as he smiled back at you but said nothing and kept walking. You giggled as he helped you over the uprooted tree trunks and to a small closed off area in the bushes.

"Okay sneaky pants, what's going on?" You chuckle, finally breaking through the tree lining.

You gasped as you saw the sight before you. Little string lights littered the lower branches and a small portable radio with a bent up antenna that had seen better days sat on a stump.

"Koba... you did this for me?" You smile turning to your now suddenly shy new mate.

'Wanted to show how much you mean to me.' He signs.

"Oh Koba..." you sighed with a soft smile. He smiles back, walking towards you and shuffling his feet rather cutely.

'See you reading that book a lot. You liked the story about a romantic wedding. but I didn't give it to you.' He says, his face growing sad.

'I thought we could have out first dance here.' He finishes, moving to the radio and twisting a few knobs while you watched in amazement.

He was so sweet and romantic it took your breath away. You stood there a moment smiling under your hands as he stood up straight, gibbering happily when he found a station that played. It was softer, romantic. He turned back to her and gave her the softest most gentle smile he could muster. You couldn't help but feel a bout of giddiness run through her as a piano strummed quietly around the area while you took your husbands hand. He led you to the middle of the grassy area while the soft song took you.

There's a saying old says that love is blind

Still we're often told seek and ye shall find

So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind

You couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around you, swaying back and forth. He pressed you close to him as you circled each other in a romantic dance while the music sifted through the air around you.

Goosebumps littered your skin as he twirled you and dipped your causing you to giggle and hug him around his neck. He smiled as he watched your smiling face, his heart light with joy as he made you smile. As the two of you danced throughout the sing, you could feel a strong feeling for your mate. He always put up a front for you but you never knew why. Until he told you of his past and comforted him when he had night terrors. That's when he asked you to he his, the only human that could ever understand him for who he was and what he stood for. He danced with you for what seemed to be so long, hugging his neck as he circled with her, even going as far as lifting you and twirling you around whole you laughed gleefully in his arms.

Then he stopped, looking you over and cupping tour face with his hand, pressing foreheads together. Your hands slid down to his chest as the two of you stared into each others eyes while the moonlight and the shimmering lights gave you a glow that illuminated your sparkling eyes. Koba felt his heart lift as you smiled at him.

"I never thought you could be this romantic." You smile as you pull away from his neck.

"Thank you Koba." You smile.

"For you... anything." He says, his voice deep and vibrating across his strong chest.

You blushed even now at the touching moment the two of you were sharing. Then he pulled away, cupping your face in both his hands and brought his lips to your own. You melted into the kiss and wrapped tour hands around his neck while he held your waist.

After the two of you had embraced and kissed, he pulled away and grinned. Confused, you watched as he moved back to the radio, pulling something behind it and walking back to you. He then took your left hand and opened his palm.

"Marry me?" He asks.

You gasped at the beautiful little twig ring, held together by woven twigs and between them, a small pink stone. Your eyes filled with tears as you nodded to him.


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