Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes x flexible reader

Blue Eyes watched the human as she giggled and laughed with the little ones. They enjoyed her company because she looked different than the others, she had no hair on any part of her body aside from the top of her head and she was taller with skinny limbs that could bend at incredible angles.

She first showed off her strange bending talents when she first came to the colony. Her arm was injured and Ceaser took pity on the lonely soul and invited her to stay until her arm was healed. Soon everyone fell in love with her... Well most of them. Koba and Blue Eyes were still on the fence about her.

The day her arm was completely healed she had gone out to an empty part of the colony and began to stretch showing off her skills, unknown to her that Blue Eyes had seen this and was entranced at her abilities to move her body in such odd positions. He soon sought after the female and watched her from afar. And that is when the obsession grew. An obsession of wanting to know how she did it and he was determined to find out.

Reader's POV

You were leaving your hut when you saw the children playing and jumping around. You chuckled as you caught sight of a move you showed them yesterday. You quickly made your way down and landed with a thump behind the little gorilla baby who was trying to balance on his head. Your landing startled him and he squeaked as he dell on his tummy. You giggled as you knelt down righting him back up.

"Trying to learn are we?" you ask and sign. All the ape children nodded and you chuckled, beginning to stretch.

"Alright, watch and learn." you say.

Blue Eyes was walking by for his morning breakfast when he saw you stretch. Then, knowing what is next, he stood a bit away from the ape children as they watched you.

You finished pulling on your arms and legs before shrugging your shoulders and falling back. You landed gently on your back and placed your hands on the griund beside your head. Then you lifted your abdomen and pelvis up and bent them high in the air.

Once your body was up, the ape children began to run through the rainbow gap between your body and the ground, huffing out tiny giggles and laughs as they ran around you. Blue Eyes huffed out a small chuckle as the ape children gibbered unhappily when your feet were raised up in the air and soon you begin to walk on your hands towards them. This startled and excited the ape children and so they begin to run around and pretend to be chased by you. Blue eyes was confused but watched a little longer as you landed on your feet and laughed at the childrens astonished looks.

Just as you were about to do another move, the apes called their children for breakfast. You waved them away and they scuddled to their parents for the morning meals while doing tiny flips and walking sloppily on their hands to their parents amusement. You wiped tour hands off as you began to join them but stopped as Blue Eyes stood up straight.

'how do you do that?' he asks.

She assumed he was talking about her flexible moves and smiled.

"I was a dancer growing up. I would do moves like that all the time." you replied.

'will you show me?' he asks.

This made you halt and look at the ape. He looked so determined to know just how her body does it, and it made you blush under the intense stare he gave you.

"Sure, I'll show you tonight." you reply.

He nods and moves to his parents and sit, conversation apparently over. Blinking you sat in tour own spot for your breakfast, then went about your day helping the apes and playing with their children.

That night and you sat in front of your hut waiting for Blue Eyes. It wasn't long when you heard a thump beside you and saw him walking up to you.

"Hey... So what do you want to know?" you ask.

'How you can bend your body ao well. How do you do it?"

"Well when humans are born they are born very flexible. They can keep practicing to stay flexible and healthy or they can lose the ability to bend themselves. I grew up dancing so i had to be very flexible, though I did do some yoga once or twice before..." at his blank stare you shook your head.

"Nevermind." you blush.

'Show me a bend.' he signs as he backed up.

"Okay... This one i like the most." you say getting into position.

You get on your hands and knees and place your forarms down flat, then lifted your bottom uo high in the air. Blue Eyes watched with cocked head as your legs slowly came up, then his eyes widened as they bent down above your head making a large circle with your bod, then your head came up and your knees parted, pointing your toes together and smiled at him.

"This is called the scorpion." you say.

He slowly gets up, moving to your body and you stay as still ad you can as he tan his hand down thrcur be of your soine in fascination. You but back a laugh as his hands led up to your thighs and then your legs, then tour toes and finally he bent to your head.

"Well what do you think?" you ask.

'...I like it.' He replies with a small smile. You slowly come undone and stretch.

"You know maybe one day you can do flexible moves... If you want." you say. He stands with you and nods.

'Thank you for showing me. I like your body...' his hands froze when he saw you blush and blink in surprise.

Then he realized what he said and quickly turning tail, he climbed up to his parents hut. You suppressed a small chuckle as you wiped your hands, smiling to yourself a little as you watched him run. He was so cute when he was embarrassed.

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