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-x- Third Person POV -x-

After the words passed his lips, Shōki's knees buckled, digging into the mud as he began hyperventilating. His eyes were wide and body twitchy, immense pain shooting through each of his limbs.

Aizawa's eyes widened. "What is up with this kid?!"

Shōki's breaths grew more ragged, his fingers clawing at his scalp as he shifted in the mud. After a moment, however, a piercing silence filled the air, and Shōki was still.

Tsukauchi stepped backwards, signalling Todoroki and Aizawa to do the same. "Something's wrong."

Demented laughter began to fill the air, Shōki's body shaking from the force. He slowly raised his head, eyes alert and transformed into the color of fiery crimson.

He grinned, teeth sharp, and stared at the three men.

"There's no way he can break out of those cuffs, rig-"

Todoroki was suddenly cut off by the sound of metal snapping.

Before Aizawa could react, Tic lunged towards the man, knocking him off his balance as he clawed at his chest.

Aizawa's eyes widened as he fell backwards, grunting once he felt the impact of the ground. He shakily raised his head in an attempt to erase Shōki's quirk, but the boy simply shoved his head into the dirt.

Growling, Tic pressed firmly on Aizawa's forehead before grabbing him by the hair and repeatedly slamming his head into the ground.

Todoroki quickly glanced around before stomping his foot on the ground, sending ice towards Tic and Aizawa.

Tic felt as the ice travelled up his body, frost covering his skin. He struggled uselessly before glaring at Todoroki.

Tsukauchi breathed out a sigh of relief. "We've-"

Tic simply grinned, a wild look in his eyes as he pushed against the ice, shattering it into hundreds of tiny pieces.

"Oh c-"

"Watch out!" Tsukauchi interrupted Todoroki, pushing him out of the way.

Todoroki stumbled forwards, but regained his balance after a few moments. Once he turned around, he watched as Tic shoved Tsukauchi to the ground, stomping on his chest with pure malice emanating from him.

Tsukauchi coughed from each kick, blood spewing from his lips and dribbling down his chin. He turned towards Todoroki, a weary look in his eyes. "Run," he struggled to speak, "Go get help."

Tic's ears perked up, his attention turning towards Todoroki as he stood, frozen. Todoroki's eyes widened as Tic leaped towards him, fingers - along with his claws - extended.

However, just as Tic was about to reach the boy, he felt a strange sensation bubbling in his chest. His claws and teeth began to shrink, vision fading from its primal version. His body fell to the ground in agonizing pain, horrible, twisted screams escaping his lips.

Suddenly, Tic felt the pain stop, but he had already doubled over, heaving. He shakily raised his head, blinking in an attempt to fix his blurred vision.

As Tic narrowed his eyes, he saw as Aizawa's hair fell to his shoulders, his face showing a clear exhaustion before his head fell backwards.

Tic turned his head back towards Todoroki but the boy had already made it deep into the forest, leaving only the villain, Aizawa, and Tsukauchi. Enraged, Tic shoved himself off the ground before realizing his balance was uneven.

He, without notice, crashed to the ground, blinking as he extended his fingers. Tic began to feel as if he were fading, letting him know that time was almost up. And, closing his eyes, Tic allowed himself to disappear.

-x- Shōki's POV -x-

I blinked, breathing heavily as I attempted to push myself upwards. Sharp pains sparked from each limb and everywhere in between, my teeth gritted in an effort to ward off the sensations.

Breathing out, I shakily pushed myself onto my forearms, pausing for a moment before making it to my knees. "Now," I whispered through ragged breaths, "Now I see why I wasn't supposed to use him."

My skin felt as if it were on fire, burning with immense pain. However, I forced myself onto my feet, trodding off into the forest, only stopping once I was away from the chaos.

Falling against a tree, I slid down, breathing heavily as I shakily lifted my hand to my earpiece.

"Hello?" I croaked, coughing. "Transport needed." I quickly rattled off my coordinates before closing my eyes and waiting for Kurogiri to arrive.

Within a few moments, a portal began forming before my eyes, a warm glow emanating from the purple mist. I gritted my teeth as I pushed myself back up, stepping through the portal.

"Welcome back," Shigaraki greeted me in the side room, "How'd it go?"

I let out a light laugh, though it was somewhat painful. "I am in immense and horrible pain. Other than that though, I guess it went fine."

"Great," Shigaraki rasped, raising his head slightly. "The target is in the main room. As for that bird kid, he's in the other side room so they didn't get any ideas."

My lips curled into a smile, a light feeling fluttering in my chest. "Would you mind if I spoke with Bakugou alone for a moment?" I tilted my head, grinning. "We should really catch up..."

"Fine," Shigaraki waved me off. "We've already greeted our guest, but so far he hasn't reacted too kindly to us. Might as well give him a minute to cool off. Go talk to him or whatever."

I smiled, glancing through the small crack in the door as I caught a glimpse of his crimson eyes. "Perfect."


crazy, amirite?

Thanks for reading! <3

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