Long Dead

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I don't remember if I used this song, sorry if I did xD


The mask snapped over my lips, leaving a short, stinging sensation behind. And, once I carefully placed a hat over my green locks, I leapt through the trees, following quickly behind Compress.

Good. Shigaraki told him to drop the act for now.

Breathing outwards, I swiftly dodged the branches that threatened to scratch me, while still watching the program closely.

The group of students from 1A acted quickly - following Compress all the way to the base. I furrowed my brows.

"Get the portal ready. 1A is close behind Compress. I'll handle them," I spoke into the mic.

"Making my way back now, Shōki~Kun!" Toga's voice crackled through.

"Twice and I are on our way," Dabi replied.

After receiving no other responses, I raised my voice. "Muscular? Magne? Spinner? Mustard?"

"We're dealing with some pros at the moment!" Magne said, frustrated.

"Handle them ASAP. I don't care how," I ordered.

"You're sure acting like the boss," Muscular said sarcastically. "Strange for someone who is the newest one here. Not to mention a hero."

Toga sighed. "Knock it off, musclehead. Shōki's just as much as a member as the rest of us."

Dabi slightly laughed. "Don't forget how he took you out."

Muscular grumbled. "I'm kind of busy at the moment. Some brat won't leave me alone."

"Leave the kid," I instructed, "If he's not our target, he doesn't matter."

Muscular's eye roll could be heard in his voice. "Fine. I'm coming. Sorry, kid!" his voice said distantly, "Looks like this little game is over!"

"That doesn't sound creepy at all," Toga snickered.

"Nope! Wait, yes it does!" Twice said.

"Whatever, just get to the designated area. Kurogiri," I asked, "Are you ready?"

Kurogiri spoke up, though his voice remained low. "Of course. Toga, Dabi, and Twice are arriving now."

"Since there was no response, I'm assuming Mustard was taken out along with Moonfish. Not ideal, but not horrible," I sighed. "But those that remain, don't waste any time," I ordered, quickly turning off my communicator afterwards. I rolled my eyes. Some of them are a waste of space.

Shaking my head, I began leaping after Compress once again, quickly gaining on him as well as the group of students. After a moment, Compress rounded the corner, on his way to the area.

Picking up speed, I caught up with Compress, nodding at him before cutting of the students' trail. I jumped down from the tree I had been standing on, meeting the rest of the group.

Each of the students skidded to stop, heavily breathing as they locked eyes with me. Pink-Cheeks curiously eyed me for a moment, but Two-Tone interrupted her before she could make a comment.

"Who are you?" he demanded. "Why do you want Bakugou."

Attempting to stall, I grinned, spreading my arms to my sides. "Kyō, nice to meet 'cha!"

"You're pretty young for a villain," Kermit remarked.

"Guilty," I laughed. "Now that I have your attention," I narrowed your eyes, "I'd like to thank you for making this plan a success."

Two-Tone gritted his teeth. "He's just trying to distract us."

"It seems we have a smart one here," I smiled, annoyedly looking at him. "But either way," I sighed, "I can't let you past."

Two-Tone simply narrowed his eyes, stomping his foot on the dirt. Ice quickly spread from his toes, rapidly growing upwards.

Faking a yawn, I quickly leapt away. "That all you got, Two-Tone?" I grinned.

My eyes quickly darted to the side once I noticed the frog leaping towards me, tongue outstretched.

"I'd rather not," I recoiled, stepping away. She, however, simply changed direction. "Oh, so you're one of the types with barely any weaknesses, then." My lips curled into a smile. "Let's see if I have any info on you in my little journal."

Grinning insanely, I pulled out my old hero notebook, flipping through the pages in an effort to find the frog.

"Wh-what?!" Pink-Cheeks blurted. "Where'd you get that?!"

I glanced up at her before wetting my thumb and turning the page. "Off some kid. Why?" I smiled evilly, "Know him?"

"That's Midoriya's, isn't it?!" the muscular kid shouted, eyes wide.

Pink-Cheeks nodded fearfully.

"What'd you do with him?!" Two-Tone demanded once again.

"You know," I rolled my eyes at him, "You are so rude. But lemme guess," I raised my hand to about my height. "Yay high? Green hair and a bunch of freckles? Kinda plain looking?"

Pink-Cheeks looked horrified.

"Well?" Todoroki snapped.

I grinned, tilting my head to the side. "Him? He's long dead." I whispered under my breath, "At least, in some way."

Tears spilled from Pink-Cheeks' eyes. "N-no."

"He's just trying to get to you, Ochaco!" the frog attempted to comfort her.

"T-tsuyu...," 'Ochaco' sniffled.

I smirked. "Oh, I'm not lying. And, Ochaco, is it? What a beautiful name." I turned towards the frog, "Right, Tsuyu?"

Tsuyu narrowed her eyes. "Only my friends call me Tsuyu."

I faked being hurt, putting on a more innocent persona. "T-tsuyu...? Are you saying you're not my friend?"

Both hers and Ochaco's faces fell.

"Leave them alone, you sicko!" Two-Tone barked.

"Ouch," I placed my hand on my chest, acting taken aback before beginning to (what would be described as) cackle. "Feel however you want about me - my job is done here. My comrades are long gone!"

Two-Tone narrowed his eyes, while the kid with extra limbs gasped slightly. "I forgot about them," Limbs said.

"I think that was the whole point," Two-Tone growled, though it was more directed towards me.

"You'd be correct in that assumption," I grinned. "Though, now that we're done here, I really should be going." I turned, only to feel my arm suddenly become tighter.

My eyes trailed downwards, only to see a long, white band wrapped around my wrist. "Well that can't be good."



another chapter?!


"the old Izuku can't come to the phone right now."

"why? he's dead."

^^ omllll xD

Thanks for reading! <3

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