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This animatic isn't Villain!Deku, but it's good and I can't find anything to fit this xD


Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I shivered, my breath visible in the cold air.

As I walked, my mind raced with thoughts. What's going on with me? Why can't I seem to remember anything?

Tears began to pool in my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. "Can't I do anything right?" I whispered to myself.

Slumping down against a wall, I buried my face in my hands, when a sudden sense of dread washed over me.

With reddened eyes, I glanced up, scanning my area. "Is someone there?" I croaked.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I pushed myself up, stepping forwards.

I continued to search, but was unable to see anything. "Hello?"

My eyes widened as a pair of hands were suddenly cupped over my mouth, muffling my speech.

"Hey!" I attempted to shout.

"Don't worry, Midoriya," a raspy voice tickled my ear.

As I opened my mouth, I felt myself being thrust backwards, purple smoke filling my vision. The ground began to enlarge as I neared it, my head smacking against the wooden floors.

Groaning, I rubbed my head, allowing my eyes to wander around the unfamiliar area. My brows furrowed as I saw the scenery. A... bar?

I inhaled sharply as several people stepped from the shadows, each with a murderous intent in their eyes.

I squinted, attempting to remember any of the faces that were present. None of them, however, seemed to offer any significance. In my eyes, they were just blurry masses, their eyes piercing through my soul like daggers.

"Where am I?" I coughed, dust filling my lungs.

My head snapped to the right as a blue-haired man began to speak. He sat at the bar, turning around to reveal a grotesque, white hand attached to his face. Behind him was a man made of smoke, rubbing glasses with a cloth.

The hand-man lifted his mask slightly, revealing a chapped and wild grin. "Oh, c'mon Midoriya," he rasped, raising his arms to his sides. "Don't tell me you forgot us already..."
Rubbing the back of my neck, I stared at him awkwardly. "...Should I know you?"

The man looked taken aback. Dumbfounded.

He shot up from his seat, his veins visibly pulsing. "WHAT?!" he growled, picking my up by the collar of my shirt. I struggled against him, causing him to wrap his hands around my throat.

"I don't...," I wheezed, "K-know who... Who you are."

"Stop TOYING with me!" he spat, his red eyes fiery with rage. He began to shake me violently, strengthening his grip on my neck.

My vision became clouded as I connected eyes with the man, my eyes tearing up. "Please...," I choked, "I can't... Breathe..."

"Let him go, Tomura Shigaraki." a smooth voice spoke.

The enraged man, Shigaraki, glanced over at a screen, the words 'AUDIO ONLY' displayed on the static-filled screen. "But master...," he protested.

The man's voice became more stern. "Drop him."

Suddenly I fell to the ground, my lungs burning as they begged for air. I began swallowing air rapidly, my knees aching from the awkward fall.

"What... do you... want with me?" my voice cracked as I heaved.

Unhinged - Villain!Deku (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant