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My eyes trailed downwards, only to see a long, white band wrapped around my wrist. "Well that can't be good."

Suddenly, I was jerked backwards, landing in front of Eraserhead. My palms fell against the ground, knees catching the brunt of the fall. "Is this what you want?" I smirked. "For me to beg?"

"Get up, you lowly villain," Eraserhead scoffed.

"But your students and I were having a fun little chat." I turned towards them, smiling. "Right, guys?"

The students simply stared at me, hatred and sadness in their eyes.

Eraserhead pulled me upwards, a hiss escaping my lips as his scarf scraped against my skin. "A little rough, don't you think?" I teased.

"Quiet, brat," he growled.

"Alright, alright," I gave a fake sigh. "I give in."

"Great," Eraserhead said annoyedly, pressing my arms behind my back. I gritted my teeth, surprised by the pain. He wasn't giving me any leeway.

After we moved from the students, I glanced up at him, smiling. "So, how are ya doing this fine afternoon?"

"If you don't shut it, I will not hesitate to throw you onto the ground. You don't have to be conscious for this."

I shook my head. "Tsk, tsk, Eraserhead. Not very herolike of you."

"It wasn't a warning," he glared at me, "It was a promise."

I glanced away, breathing out. "Ooookay then."

We walked through the forest, feet sinking in the mud. After a few moments, I raised my head slightly, lips curling into a smile. "So, do you miss Midoriya?" I asked, deliberately putting poison into my words.

Eraserhead suddenly halted before tightening my arms behind my back. "I suggest you stop."

"You know, I already told your students, but he's dead. Been dead, actually," I mentioned casually, glancing up to see his reaction.

His eyes flickered with a sense of hurt, his tough exterior falling slightly.

"Great," I grinned, loosening myself from his grip. "I really should be going now, though!" I turned around quickly, racing off before I could even see his reaction. This shouldn't take long. I'll be back in no tim-

I stopped suddenly, my temperature rapidly dropping. A cold, tingling sensation came from my toes and, upon glancing down, I saw ice travelling up my leg from the soles of my shoes.

"Two-Tone," I sighed.

"You'd be correct in that assumption," he mimicked, standing in front of me.

"Did you just trap me so I could look at that pretty face, or did you want to say something?" I teased, grinning.

He narrowed his eyes. "Mr. Aizawa," he spoke loudly enough for the man to hear him, "I've captured him."

"Woo," I grinned as Eraserhead joined us, "Are we having a party now?"

"You know what would be better?" Eraserhead asked rhetorically, glancing at Two-Tone, "If his mouth were covered in ice as well."

Two-Tone glared at me, fingers sparking with frost. "That can be arranged."

"Personally," my eyes widened, "That sounds like an awful idea to me."

"Unfortunately, it is," a man's voice said as he came near.

"And the party grows!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

A man with a trench coat walked over, meeting the other two. "Todoroki," he glanced at Two-Tone, "I'd appreciate it if you melted your ice. One of my officers is ready to apprehend him.

Two-Tone released me reluctantly and, just as I was enjoying my newfound freedom, I felt as cuffs locked around my wrists. "Uh, mind loosening these?" I asked jokingly.

Trenchcoat smiled kindly, though there was a hint of anger in his eyes. "No can do." He sighed, "It's unfortunate that someone as young as you - as well as that gas mask kid - would resort to such a villainous lifestyle." So Mustard was captured, then.

I smiled, doing my best to look innocent. "So do you guys need something or what?"

"Well, we'll be bringing you down to the station after we quickly make sure that you're unscathed." Trenchcoat kindly explained.

"How kind of you to be treating me," I said sarcastically.

"And then," he added, "We'll be processing you."

My eyes widened. "I suppose that means revealing my identity?"

Trenchcoat smiled, nodding. "Of course."

"Well, then I guess I have no choice," I sighed, hanging my head.

"To come along willingly?" Trenchcoat suggested, hopeful.

I grinned, tilting my head as I raised it once again. "To escape, of course."

Eraserhead narrowed his eyes. "And exactly how are you planning to do that?"

I shook my head. "I was hoping that I wouldn't have to resort to this, but I'm not ready to reveal myself just yet."

My lips curled into a smile as the three men grew wary, readying themselves.

"Tic," I whispered. "I suppose we must cooperate, for now."

"Who is-"

And I suppose I might've answered, but by then it was too late.

I was gone.



I'm aware some parts sound dirty, but that's because he's teasing Aizawa xDD

but o boi was this chapter fun to write

Thanks for reading! <3

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