Chapter 12

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TW: Talk of past abuse

Remy watched as Logan picked up his phone and brought it to his ear. 

"What is it Thomas?" Thomas' voice spoke on the other end and Logan's expression hardened. "Alright, we'll be right there." He hung up abruptly and looking to Roman, Remy and Virgil and Shanks, the fox.

"What's wrong? Is Thomas okay?" Remy questioned urgently as they all stopped in front of the castle. 

"Thomas is fine." Logan stated as he leaned into Roman's ear, whispering something. Roman's expression shifted from confusion to dread to stone. He addressed the younger soldiers. 

"Logan and I have something to tend to. Patton is in the dining hall as we speak. He'll get you dinner. We will be back soon." and with that, they both left without further explanation. Shanks stared suspiciously and Remy and Virgil gazed questioningly at their backs as they departed.

"What the hell happened?" Remy asked in concern for his family. 

"Remy, what is Thomas to you?" Virgil asked curiously. 

"Oh?" Remy turned to him confused. "You haven't already guessed? Gurl, you serious right now? He's my brother!" Virgil's eyes widened.

"Oh, s-sorry! I didn't realize!" 


"Alright, that's enough." Shanks said softly from Virgil's shoulder. "Let's go inside and talk things over. I have a lot to tell you." 

"I would like to speak to Patton alone, if I could." Shanks requested. Virgil had told Patton that Roman and Logan would be back and he introduced him to Shanks. Patton was confused by the talking fox but thrilled that Virgil had found such a cute companion. 

"Uh, yeah! Sure!" Patton exclaimed." Virgil and Remy gave a look of confusion but shrugged and they left without a word of complaint.

Shanks sat on the table in front of Patton and smiled, or what Patton thought was him smiling. He squeaked at how cute this was and whispered behind his hands. 

"Your so adorable." 

"Ah, not adorable my friend. I am more described as... cool." he explained with a slightly tilted head.

"Oh! I get it! Hah!" 

"What's so funny? Never mind. I need to talk about Virgil. How long has he been here?" A look of confusion crossed Patton's face.

"He's... been here a few weeks. Why?" He jumped when Shanks let out a growl of disapproval. 

"How old?"

"18. When he joined, he was a senior in high school."

"Why is he doing this shit? This is going to get him killed!" 

"Hey! Watch the language! And what makes you think he's going to be killed? We aren't going to be putting him into any immediate danger like in the hunter corps." 

"Look... Patton. There's an aura around that kid. I don't like it. He's 18 Patton." Shanks sighed. "How did he get here? His past? What of it?" Patton swallowed. He didn't like telling people or random foxes about other peoples' pasts. He thought it was invading but the fox seemed to really care about Virgil despite just meeting him. Interesting.

Patton cleared his throat and leaned forward. "King Roman told us that he found Virgil locked in a locker of which happened because of a bunch of bullies. Virgil also confirmed that he was abused at home and has had tendencies to..." Patton rubbed his neck. "self-harm." 

"Why was he put into training at a time like this? With something like the Dragon King roaming around?" Patton shuddered. 

"We were planning on him just being a royal guard-" 

"Yes, I know that, Patton!" Shanks barked. "But..." he shook his head. "He can't be put into training. Something is going to happen. Something bad. Logan said there was a mist around them when going through the forest that blocked them from scent of any animal. Patton, I could smell Virgil. He smelled of death." 

Patton sighed and leaned back into his seat. "Look... I'm worried for the kid too. He's got so much anxiety but Remy seems to be helping a lot with that. Remy too. Granted, he's been here longer, I still worry for him. By far, he seems to be the hardest to get help for. Riddled with anxiety and depression." Patton combed a hand through his hair. "You're gonna need to talk to Roman about this. You won't have to do too much convincing on Logan's end but Roman seems very determined that Virgil should do this. I don't know why. I'm not huge on fighting or the royal guard or anything. I don't think we should have this whole set up, putting these people at such a great risk. 

"I believe that Roman should do something about the Dragon King on his own. Logan and I could help. But putting the citizens, the people we worked so hard to save, at risk? What happens when we lose them? What happens when lives are lost?" Tears pricked Patton's eyes. "I think about that everyday, Shanks. Innocents lives, wiped out. They do sign up for this at their own will but at what cost? They think they owe us for saving them but in reality, all we want from them is a willing to heal and to live." Patton finished his speech with a half-hearted smile and glossy eyes. "But they still think they owe us their life. Such amazing people. So stubborn and so amazing. I very much dislike them for it. But I love them for it." 

Shanks nodded his understanding. "I'll have to talk to Roman about it then. Magic. Does he have any that you know of?" 

"Virgil? Not that I'm aware of. I can sense a bunch of magic in Remy. I've known him longer, though." Remy bowed his head and stared at the wood of the table.

"One more question. I sense another source of magic in this castle." Patton blinked in surprise.

"That must be Damian."

"Who's Damian?" 

"He just came this week. I don't think he's exactly portrayed as the best kid but it's understandable. I'm sure he's a great kid somewhere in that weird snakey boiyo mindset and body!" Patton exclaimed with a cheery smile. Shanks nodded again with what a fox would call a smile. 

"He seems to have great potential. Lot's of magic." Patton clapped.

"Oh, that's great!" 

"Thanks for your time, Patton. I suppose you should start dinner. I can help if you'd like. My mother always caught a good chicken for me."

"Ummm, sorry we don't eat raw things." Shanks frowned. 

"Have you ever tried it?"

"People have and it didn't turn out well for them, I don't believe. We have to cook our food."

"I see..." 

"But you can certainly help with dinner, no complaints here. Your so... cool." Patton smiled and winked at Shanks. Shanks tilted his head as they walked out of the room. 

People are weird. Shanks thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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