Chapter Four

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TW: Blood and injury, self depreciation, talk about child abuse/physical abuse, therapist mention, small start of a panic attack (doesn't escalate)

When the crowd finally departed, Roman led the other three, Virgil, Logan and Patton, to the palace. The 'kingdom' as Roman liked to call it, was huge. You could see a large forest in the east, a lake to the west, the palace was in the north and the south had many many houses both big and small. Roman told Virgil about the world, like when people thought about their dream house, it appeared. Anything they wanted, they could easily just conjure. There were boundaries about what they could conjure. They couldn't conjure anything obviously dangerous, for instance, guns or steak knives. If they wanted to, they would have to go through a bunch of paperwork and confirm what they were going to do with it. Then and only then were they allowed to have the dangerous kind of stuff. The only person who was physically able to conjure the stuff was King Roman himself, so they would have to go through everything a few hours prior to asking for it. It's a hassle but Roman would never want to put his citizens at risk, even if there was to be only and accidental injury.

Before Virgil was to get a house, like all newcomers, he got to stay in the palace for a week with the other 3. Hence came the topic of the other 3. 

Roman was basically the king. He didn't like referring himself as the king but more prince or leader, though, Logan did insist on calling him 'King Roman'. Roman kept everything in line, he brought back new people every few weeks and he made sure to give everyone a quick drop by to see how they were doing every once in a while. To Roman, everyone here were like his family and he needed to take care of them.

Logan was in charge of the number of people living in the kingdom at the time, scheduling kingdom events and holidays, keeping track of birthdays, and much much more. He took care of the numbers, statistics and paperwork. 

Patton executed everything. He was the one who sent small gifts to those of a birthday, held the events, setting up everything with the help of some of the seniors and he usually kept everything very lively and stuff.

Roman explained their roles along with the rules of conjuring. You conjure your own food, you can decide whether you want to cook it or conjure it already cooked, you can conjure decorations for your house and other stuff like that. Conjuring was basically their entire world. Everyone had the ability to conjure. Roman just had a few more rights than the rest, which was understandable.

Roman led the others into the giant doors leading into the palace. Before they did anything, Patton went to go get medical supplies from one of the bathrooms. Soon enough, he came back with a box. He handed it to Logan and Logan had him sit at the kitchen table and instructed to stay still. Logan questioned Virgil when he found small glass shards still in his shoulder but Virgil didn't answer so Logan just proceeded to care for it. As Virgil had figured, the stitching had ripped and he needed even more stitched than before. It was painful but after a while, it was only a throbbing pain. When they had tended to his shoulder and cleaned up his bloody nose, Roman declared they had a tour.

Roman began giving Virgil the tour, happily gliding along the floors, showing him every room. The place had so many rooms. So many that Virgil decided to start panicking slightly from the thought of being lost in here. Like seriously. What if he got lost forever and ever and ever and no one ever found him and he just rotted in the bathroom alone oh my god.

"Virgil? Hey, kiddo, you with me?" Virgil blinked and saw Patton snapping his fingers in front of his face. He blushed.

"Sorry, Patton, just zoned out for a second." Patton still looked worried but rubbed it off.

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