Chapter Three

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TW: Panic Attack.

He felt ground beneath him. Oh thank God. Solid ground. Sweet sweet solid earth. Earth? What the fuck. That's dirt. Where the hell- Virgil's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden boom of cheers around him. His anxiety heightened even more than it already was and he curled in on himself. He ignores the sharp pain of his shoulder rubbing against the dirt.

The only explanation for this was he was outside being beaten by Logan and his cronies were cheering him on. 

But no, he was with Roman. He remembered now. 

"I'M BACK EVERYBODY!" He heard the prince announce. Another loud overwhelming cheer at this. Virgil shook and he tried to stifle a whimper, unsuccessfully doing so.

If Roman heard, he gave no indication. He continues his announcement dramatically. 


"Yay!" Virgil heard a happy squeal from the crowd. Many people giggled at this but let Roman go on.

"Would you like to introduce yourself Vir- Virgil? Love, what's wrong?" Roman had finally noticed Virgil still curled up on the ground, now trembling. Virgil didn't answer. Instead, he clamped his hands over his ears and curled deeper into himself. 

"What's wrong, King Roman?" someone from the crowd asked formally. Shuffling footsteps could be heard in the deafening silence of the anticipating crowd. Two pairs of feet. One more frantic and the other a steady tread. 

"I told you to just call me Roman. And I have no idea. Virgil, love, can you look at me? Please?" Virgil peaked out from his hands. There was a squeak from the newcomer of which made Virgil flinch slightly and looking up alarmingly at the source of the noise.

The source of the noise looked to be a bubbly boy with a grey cardigan wrapped around his shoulders and big round glasses. "Oh my god, he's a little baby kitten..." The boy muttered excitedly behind his hands.

"Correction. He appears to be a human boy, Patton. Even for you, this should be blatantly obvious." Virgil turned his head towards the newer voice. He, too, had glasses but his were more square. He also wore a professional looking suit with a blue tie. He seemed very controlled.

"HELLO! My name is Patton!" The one with the grey cardigan announced.

"And I, Logan. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Virgil shivered violently at the name. Patton noticed right away.

"OH KIDDO! ARE YOU COLD!? OH, YOU'RE INJURED TOO!" Patton walked closer to Virgil to get a better look but Virgil hissed at him. Patton refrained from squealing at how cute this was and stepped back, inspecting from a more respectable distance.

"When I found him, he was being shoved in a locker by some bullies. I'm fairly sure he's very claustrophobic. He started panicking horribly in the locker and when he just got out of it. I'm fairly sure the nose is from getting pushed into the locker but the shoulder is from aggravating a newer wound." Roman analyzed, much to Logan's surprise.

"Good analyzing, King Roman," Logan said, ignoring Roman's earlier request to drop 'King'. "But please just leave the analyzing to me, thank you." Roman rolled his eyes half heartedly and smiled at Logan. 

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