Chapter Eleven

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"Virgil, Remy! It's about time we get going to the training grounds." Roman's voice sounded through their door. Remy looked to Virgil with a smirk, grabbed his hand and dragged him across the room to the door, despite the many protests from Virgil.

"C'mon, darling! It's your time to shine."

"What about you!?"

"Gurl, we know I'll shine either way." Remy opened the door and Roman gave him a questioning look with a smile. 

"What are you 2 doing?"

"Going to training, dummy." Roman made some offended princey noises. "Well? Take us to the training grounds! I can't wait to see the other royal guards!!!" Remy yelled, dragging Virgil out of the room and running downstairs. Roman shouted at them to stop but laughed and followed after them.

Roman and Logan followed the boisterous pair along a path behind the kingdom.  The east woods rounded the castle to the back and even wrapped around the lake some miles back. The forest was huge and right in the center of it, was the base camp for the Royal guards and army.

As they neared the edge of the wooded area, Logan called for their attention.

"Remy, Virgil." he demanded. Remy immediately went quiet and turned his head to look at Logan casually. Virgil did a full body turn, completely alert. "When we enter the woods, I need you to stick close to us. There are creatures that you do not want to approach. Remy knows this as he has lived here many years but Virgil, this is a warning to you. Do not approach anything as it could mean your life. Do you understand?"

Virgil quickly nodded and Remy smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Got it, L!" Logan cringed at the name but accepted their answers and began walked into the forest.

5 minutes later and they were already entering the thick of the forest. There was a thin path that would be easy to stray off of if it wasn't for Roman and Logan leading the way with ease. This calmed Virgil. Slightly. His breathing was still quietly limited and his steps a bit shaky and slow. Despite how much Virgil sped up at any noise heard or slowed at any branch they had to carefully step over, Remy was beside Virgil the entire time. He slowed and sped up to Virgil's need and helped him with breathing exercises whenever Remy thought it necessary.

"You doing okay?"

"Yep, just great." Virgil said, nervously staring at the thick forest full of the unknown. 

Shit, who knows what's out there, lurking, waiting for us to be close enough so it can pounce.

"HOLY SHIT!" Virgil shouted as he fell back on the path and stared in fear at the forest. "W- what was that?" 

"What was what?! Where?" Remy immediately turned to the forest and tracked down what Virgil had seen. Before anyone could react, a small object flew out of the forest and landed next to Virgil. He squeaked and tried to escape but the ball of fur just jumped on top of Virgil. And stayed there. He froze and watched as the little animal lied down and curled up on his chest. Virgil's breathing evened out slowly as he realized the animal had fallen asleep. He inspected it. It had blue fur with tan underfur and it's snout was white. It had big ears, a long, thin snout and a big bushy tail. But what surprised Virgil most was the folded wings on either side of it that were a light blue tinted with white.

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