After the fight, the four leaders were talking to each other on why the fight, truly happened. I haven't figured out why it had but, I'm sure the others have. I walk over to Rockyspark and dip my head to him. He does the same in return. "Hello Rockyspark, did you figure out why they went at each others throats?" I ask the deputy. Rockyspark had shook his head. "No, sadly. But I got some information? Apparently Icestar's Warrior, Shadowstorm, was planning to take over the clans." He shuddered in disgust. I growl silently, "I knew he was no good! I knew it! Cats won't listen to me!!!" I shook my head. I sigh as I hear a distorted roar, I shake in fear of how loud it it. I turn around, shaking badly, as everyone else does the same. I look around but I don't see anything. I look near the top of the trees as I see the trees shaking and moving. I gasp, and then I yowl, "RUN!!!" Then, at that, the cats dash off. They all go in one direction, surprisingly, and they don't stop. I look around to make sure that no one had gotten left behind, I see a young cat that isn't apart of the clans, limping. The cat is trying to run, but it can't. I run to it, and I look at the trees as they are swaying, breaking, and snapping. I gasp again, running harder. 

Then, I reach the cat. "Are you alright?!" I asked the cat, now that I see a closer look, I see that it's a shecat. She was quite beautiful. "Hey! Snap out of it! Let's go! Are you alright?!" I yowl to the shecat. The shecat looked at me while I was helping her run, the crashing and crunching in the background. "W-who are you? W-why are you helping me?" The shecat asked. "Don't you see? There is something back there! And I can't just leave you behind! You are hurt! Hold on!" I mewed while I then searched the land and see a huge group ahead of us that was running away from the noise, some of them that were the ones helping the shecat but gave up on her. She looked like an apprentice as well. I snarled as another cat ran past, a full grown Tom. "Hey! You!" I yowled to the tom.

The tom glanced back but continued to run. He seen the shecat and shook his head as he bared his teeth and turned back. "Rubypaw! You ignorant apprentice!" He glared at her. I snarled at his arrogance. "She is hurt! Don't talk to her like that you arrogant frog!" I snarled and unsheathed my claws as I swiped at his muzzle as I made him bleed a bit. He was shocked and he bared his teeth at me. "Do you know who you are talking to?!" He challenged me as we were running, helping Rubypaw. "No, I don't. But I don't care! Go away I don't need your help!" I said as I grunted while trying to pick up Rubypaw. The tom nudged her fully onto my shoulders and I panted as I ran and she shook on my shoulders but dug her claws into my fur so she wouldn't fall off. The tom stuck by my side and snarled at me the entire time. "What is your problem?!" I asked the tom as we ran. "My name is Mafaro! How do you not know me?" He snarled. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. We had caught up to the group and the cats I didn't know were behind me, some were trying to help me with Rubypaw, but I hissed for them to stay away. "I wouldn't care of who you were even if you were the most richest and most popular cat in the world!" I hissed at Mafaro finally and he snarled and lunged at me, but thankfully for me, Shadowstorm was looking for a fight. Also thankfully, we were far enough away from But it wouldn't be long until it caught up with us again.

Shadowstorm leapt at Mafaro and clawed his left eye out and then he tripped him. His claws dug into the ground and then ripped out dirt as he picked up his paw. "Let's see how skilled you are, Mister All Powerful Mafaro." Shadowstorm snickered. At that, Mafaro yowled menacingly and lunged at Shadowstorm perfectly even though he only has one eye now. Rubypaw woke up, grunting, she gasped at the two toms fighting. "MAKE HIM STOP!" She yowled weakly. "He is going to kill my friend!" She groaned as she said so quietly. I shook my head. "That is no friend of yours, Ruby. He wanted to kill you because you were a burden and a weak mouth to feed." I had said, stretching the truth as I wasn't completely lying. Rubypaw inhaled strongly and exhaled with a yowl that she did with all of her strength, and it was in anger. "I. AM. NOT. A. WEAKLING. OR. A. BURDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!" She said as she then passed out from using the last of her strength.
When she yowled, Mafaro looked at her and shook his head in disappointment. 'You obviously are, considering you can't even yowl without passing out? Pathetic.' He had thought to himself. 'I am glad I can read thoughts.' I had also thought to myself. I snarled at what he had said about Rubypaw and continued to watch the toms fight as Shadowstorm took this moment into his leaver. Shadowstorm lunged at him with front legs stretched out and the same with claws. "Die!!!" He yowled with fury and jumped onto his side and slashed from his shoulder down to his hips and then slashed his throat. He panted as he shook out his fur that no longer had any dirt in it. He licked his claws clean then stood proudly with his head held high. 'My Starclan...He just betrayed the warrior code and he is proud about it? My Starclan...' I had thought to myself as branches snapped, trees fell, and the ground shook. "Run!! It caught up to us!! Run!!!!!!!" I yowled as the cats picked up all the kits and helped all the queens and elders. I looked behind me and I seen a very tall twoleg like monster. I gasped and run faster and push myself harder.

(AUTHOR"S NOTE!!!!!!!)
Hello everyone so thank you for waiting for so long for the 10th chapter. probably no one was waiting and everyone hates this book but yk I am putting so much love and heart into this book so I would really appreciate it if you tagged people on the prologue that you think they would enjoy this! This chapter took over a month because I have been soooooo busy here lately and I finally got it out!!
Also, the creature 'twoleg like monster' is in the picture above ;)
More will be coming soon!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!

Yours Sincerely,

xoxo Katana

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