Chapter Two

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Kestelflight's POV

I walked out of the warriors den looking for my sister, Spiralwind. I don't seem to find her in the den and neither in the clearing. So he went up to Leapsong. "Have you seen my sister?" I asked the shecat. "I have not." Leapsong responded. "Sorry." She added as she went to Dustpaw. "Training?" Dustpaw leaped up in an instant. "Yes!" He moewed excitedly. I continue to look around for my sister as they head out of camp. "Spiralwind?" I call out her name. Spiralwind pokes her head out of the medicine den. "Yeah, Kestrelflight?" She asked curiously. My heart stopped and pounded. I rushed over to her. "Are you alright? Don't tell me your wounded. Nor that your becoming a medicine cat." I said gently, slightly scared. She let out a mrrow of amusement. "Of course not! I'm not wounded, nor am I interested in becoming a medicine cat."  She smiled at me. "Good, want to go hunting?" I asked her. "Or maybe practice our battle moves!" I exclaimed. "Let's hunt. The fresh kill pile is getting awfully low." She said while directing her attention to the pile. There was only two  thrushes left. I nodded following her gaze. "You're right. Come on!" I chuckled and ran out of camp. "Bye Antflower! I am going hunting with Kestrelflight!" She called over her shoulder as she dashed after me. 

I stalked lowly to the ground, belly barely touching the ground. My tail relaxed and low, it never makes a sound. My paw crept quietly, leaf over leaf, stick over stick, never making any sound. I stared ahead at the vole that was searching the ground for anything for it to eat. I stalk forward more And more. Until i leap, I leapt onto the vole without it even knowing I was there, before it could escape my grasp I gave it a killing bite. 'Thank you, Starclan. For this life you have sacrificed for my clan.'  I sent a small thank you up to Starclan. As I pick up the vole I hear a rustle in the leaves. I dropped low and turned around toward the noise. A bunny comes out with crystal blue eyes, I dropped my prey and bunched my muscles and launched onto the bunny, killing it with a swift bite to the neck. I sent another thank you to Starclan. I set the bunny where the vole was as I seen a squirrel run by and onto a tree, I shook my head. "Thank you Starclan but these will do just fine." I whispered. I seen my sister coming toward me with at least four pieces of prey. Three on her back with one in her mouth, her eyes gleamed with pride. "Can you believe this? Where do you think they are all coming from?" She asked me. I shrugged but shared her happiness with her. "Maybe after all the good we've done, Starclan is now rewarding us?" I asked while suggesting. She shook her head. "No, that can't be it. I don't know but I'm just happy." She meowed. "Let's head back to camp!" She added. "Here, take my prey, I'm going to keep hunting." I said as I laid another two pieces of prey on her back. She walked in the direction of camp. 

I opened my mouth waiting for a drift of the scent of prey to come towards me. Instead, I smell something unfamiliar instead. I look around as I am wondering where this smell was coming from. I walk towards it and I find a dead twoleg on the outside of the woods by the twoleg place. I cautiously walk up to the twoleg sniffing it, it rank of death. I padded backwards slowly away, as it twitched my heart stopped and I watch it get up. My eyes widened as the twoleg goes toward the twoleg place, stumbling while trying to walk. I seen its guts hanging out of its stomache as it walked and I ran into the forest and heaved. I shook out my fur, terrified of what I just saw. I shook my head, "I must be seeing things. There is no way that was real. I will just keep it to myself and make sure no one else has to worry." I started walking back to the clan when I see a huge plump squirrel trying to scramble up a tree after hearing me. I jump onto it, not needing to be quiet, and give it a killing bite. My mouth watered as if I was about to chow down on it, but I vowed when I became a warrior that my clan comes first. I picked up the squirrel and padded back to camp as I heard the rustling of leaves about me. I look up and see nothing, so I just kept walking and I got to the camp entrance and something pounced on my shoulders and I went limp underneath it, I let out a warning yowl to the rest of the clan. Whatever was on me bit the back of my neck and its teeth sunk in as I suddenly jumped up and threw it off my back. I growled and turned to face my opponet. I didnt pay attention to who it was, I just leapt onto the animal and slashed its shoulders with claws unsheathed. I jumped off and thrusted my muzzle into its face as I realized who it was. I gasped....

To be continued.

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