Chapter Four

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Sandkit's POV

I giggled and tossed around with my brother. I pinned him down. "I win!" I boasted in his face as I shoved my muzzle into his. "No!" He growled and threw me off of him. I landed with a 'mph'. "Ow!" I went to get up as he launched himself onto me, I rolled out of the way before he could. "You're too slow!" I laughed at him. "Mom, guess wh-" I couldn't finish the sentence as he pushed himself at me. I growled and pawed at his belly with my back paws. Huffing I used all the strength I had and pushed him off me, I didn't wait one second as I leaped onto him, holding my ground as I pinned him. "Yes. I win!" I huffed and leapt off of him. Giggling, I licked my brothers muzzle in littermate love. "Good job though, Dustkit." I congratulated. He huffed. "Thanks, I really did try. You're going to be a great warrior Sandkit!" His eyes shone with pride for me. My heart warmed as I nuzzled him. "And so are you." I stated. My mother came up to us with proudness in her eyes. "Very good, both of you. I am very proud that you are getting older and older, soon you are going to be apprentices!" She smiled warmly and sat down, grabbing me by my scruff she set me down between her two paws. "Bath time." She meowed as she started to groom me. I smiled and relaxed under my moms tongue.

After Dustkit got groomed after me, we fell asleep next to our mother's belly. All of a sudden there was a yowl. I jolted awake as my mother, Windheart, got up and peaked out of the den. She gasped and trotted quickly back to pick Dustkit up. "Follow me, Sandkit, and fast!" She meowed worriedly to me as I got up quickly and dashed after her. We got into the clearing and Mudpaw was attacking Birchdew, he snapped his muzzle onto Birchdew's shoulder and bit down hard, tearing away. I gasped, terrified as another cat picked me up. "No! Please don't eat me!" I cried. "It's okay! Its me, Rowansky!" The tom mewed and I relaxed. "O-okay.." I stuttered, shaking with fear I see Mudpaw then jump onto Boulderstar, everyone was already out of the camp while Rowansky was looking forward. He seen Boulderstar running toward us as Mudpaw went back to Birchdew. "Boulderstar, are you okay?!" I whined to him. He nodded panting, "Come on!" He hissed quietly. We ran out of camp as I seen my mother carrying Dustkit. "M-mom...What's going on?!" I whimpered as Rowansky carried me closer to Dustkit and I nuzzled him scared. He nuzzled back, shaking, terrified. "I don't know, Sandkit." Rockyspark called the clan together. "As you seen, we have lost Birchdew and Mothpaw. I don't know what's happening but we have to move!" He hissed. Rubbleface was the first to start running. Jaynose had Windheart helping him. Rowansky, while holding me, was helping Mousecloud. Blizzardpaw and Robinpaw were helping Maplecloud.

The clan halted as I looked forward. We ran into Cloudclan and Lavaclan. Rowansky nodded to Mousecloud. "Go on, I've still got some of my strength left, young man." She purred and walked over to Robinpaw and Blizzard paw. She dissmissed them and helped Maplecloud herself. Rowansky got to the front, I heard Boulderstar speak. "Do you know what they are?" The leader asked Miststar and Stormstar. They shook their head. Stormstar spoke, "All I know is that they are flesh-eaters. Whoever gets bit or infected, has to be left behind or killed before they come back." Stormstar said that with hurt and sadness in her eyes. Boulderstar nodded. "We need to go get Icestar. And fast! Who are the fastest cats in your clans?" He asked Miststar and Stormstar. "Mine are Ravenswirl, Spiralwind, Leapsong, and Baconpaw." Stormstar replied as each of those cats came forward. "Mine are Tigerpaw, Brightpaw, Runningvine, and Seabreeze." Miststar answered as they came forward as well. "And two of the strongest?" Boulderstar asked. "Shadowstorm and Vineslash." Miststar was the first to reply this time. A pure black tom that was muscular came forward along with a light gray tom with white patches came forward. The black tom scared me, I don't know why but he gives me the creeps. "Kestrelflight and Violetnight." Stormstar replied. "Alright, now look, I don't want to boss anyone around. But Stormstar and Mistar, what I was thinking was those six cats go back to their own clans and the four swiftest cats try to grab as many herbs as possible. The two strongest guard them." Boulderstar answered. "I am sorry I can only send two of my strongest warriors because we lost two of our fastest." He said with grief. The two leaders nodded. "Rowansky and Rubbleface." He said as Rowansky gave me to Beechfennel. He went toward the leader. So did Rubbleface. "Rowansky go with the Cloudclan group and Rubbleface go with Floodclan." He ordered the two warriors, they both went where they were supposed to and then Boulderstar called after them. "Meet us back at the Gathering Place!"

I was picked up once again but this time by Beechfennel. Hawkleaf went to help Mousecloud and Grayfoot helped Maplecloud. Beechfennel went beside Windheart, who was helping Jaynose. The two sisters started talking with Jaynose about what was going on. I was talking to my brother. "Why did Mudpaw snap at Birchdew?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I don't know, Sandkit. But that wasn't like Mudpaw. He was always so nice and sweet. And he didn't hesistate on attacking Birchdew. Maybe that one leader is right, they aren't the same." He finished. I looked down at Beechfennel's paws as we were walking towards the Gathering Place. We arrived and Boulderstar was licking his shoulder where his got bit. He spit out after ever lick, it looked like he was being cautious. Miststar came over to him with Stormstar. "What about Iceclan?" Miststar asked. "We should send our deputies over there with at least one warrior and one apprentice." He answered.

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