Chapter Eight

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Robinpaw's POV

I looked at Hawkpaw, our gaze locks together as we are walking. The group stops and Boulderstar turns to me after I bump into him. I meowed an apology.  Boulderstar nodded in return. I sighed in relief as he didnt get mad at me, I looked at Hawkpaw once again, wondering if I should walk over to him or not. I shrugged inwardly and walked over. "Why do you supposed we stopped?" I asked him, he replied. "I think someone is being selfish, it might be Shadowstorm. He is always like that. Who knows?" Hawkpaw growled. "I never liked him, he is such a fox-heart!" 


Shadowstorm's POV

I stopped in front of the group, arguing with my leader. "I don't care! We should defeat the other clans! I mean think about it! They would be cowering under us! Obeying us! We would be powerful together!!" I hissed lowly to Miststar. She looked at me, bewildered. "Seriously? Are you insane?!" She hissed back. I growled and took a challenging step forward. "I'm being completely sane in the crazy world!" I defended myself. My mother then came up to me. "Son, you need to calm down! Now! The more you argue and get louder, more of those flesh-eaters will come!" She said worriedly. I then stopped and saw the worry in my mother's eyes. I glanced at Miststar in a hatred way and licked my mother's cheek reassuringly. "Okay. I'll stop." I mewed.

We stopped again, I hissed at the sudden stop. "What now?!" I growled loudly. Stormstar swerved her body towards me. "Shush! Flesh-eaters ahead!" She growled quietly. I smirked. "No! Do not tell me what to do!!" He yowled. The flesh-eaters stumbled toward us. 'one of them had a hind paw gone, there was two twolegs, and about three? Four cats.' I thought. I rushed to my mother, Southwind. "Mom! Flesh-eaters!" I said in a fake afraid voice. "Come one! We have got to run!" I flexed my claws, sheathing and unsheathing my claws into the ground, my muscles rippling through my sleek coat. "Not without our clans!" Southwind cried, she gathered around everyone and we dashed around them. I hissed on the inside, my plan didn't work! Leapsong, Kestrelflight, Spiralwind, and Violetnight stayed behind to defeat the flesh-eaters. Obviously I joined in because I needed to get rid of my anger. I leapt onto the crippled cat and dug my long claws into the back of the neck of the cat. It fell underneath my weight and I dug my claws into its rotten skull. I walked off of the cat and bowled into the twoleg that was trying to bite Spiralwind. "Stay away from her you foul twoleg!" I hissed and slashed into its skull after it fell with my massive paws. Spiralwind whirled around to me and her eyes were wide with shock. "T-thank you!" She said shyly. I chuckled and boasted. "It was easy enough." I said as I heard a groan behind me. I unsheathed my claws once again realizing the cat that Kestrelflight was fighting, was coming towards me because Kestrelflight went to help Violetnight and Leapsong. I hissed. 'Pathetic.' I thought to myself. I leapt into the air, with all my strength and landed hard back down onto the cat, feeling it's bones crack and crush beneath my weight. I grinned evily as I seen a twoleg coming towards me. I ran straight toward it and leapt into its arms, claws stretched out.

I yowled as I felt pink paws try to dig into my pelt. I lashed my tail and slashed at the twoleg and I got to it's skull. It fell as I leapt out before I got crushed. I let out a sigh of relief and realized everyone else was back to the group as I was left behind. I growled and ran to the group. I bunched my muscles and leapt onto Kestrelfight's shoulders and I dug my claws, not all the way,  into his shoulders. Drawing blood, he yowled out in pain and went limp underneath me. I smirked and went to kill him then Spiralwind barreled into my side. I hissed, snarling loudly, then realizing who it was. "Spiralwind?! What are you doing?! He left me behind to die from that stupid twoleg! He didn't even help! Neither did Leapsong, nor Violetnight." He said with sadness in his mew. Spiralwind got off of me, "You are not part of our clan. So of course we didn't help you. Plus it's not my fault since I didn't realize you were being attacked." She turned to Kestrelflight. "Did you know?" She asked him as he got up. "Yes." He mewed. "Then why not help me?!" I snarled at him furiously. "Because. I don't trust you! I heard you earlier! Talking about taking over the clans?!" He hissed. "I would never!" I gasped innocently. "I love my clan, I wouldn't do anything to hurt the others unless they try to hurt us." I lied calmly. "Yeah right! I know what I heard. I am not deaf nor mousebrain!" He growled and stalked off. Spiralwind looked toward me, obviously believing me. "It's okay, just don't attack him next time. And I won't attack you." She mewed simply before padding off after him. I growled lowly and stalked towards the group. 'Don't you worry you're pretty little mind Spiralwind. I'll defend and protect you. I'll make sure you will live, but I don't know about Kestrelflight. Actually, I do. I'll make sure he will die a slow and painful death. So will everyone else that I don't care about! They will all pay!' I hissed in my mind and continued to walk.

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