Chapter Nine

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(Ignore this part guys! I published it on accident!! The cat in the pic is Spiralriver. I'll post Kestrelflight in the other ones as well.)

StormStar's POV

I yawn and stretch, kicking someone in the side. "Hey! Careful!" They hissed. I mewed an apology and got up. I sighed as I seen flesh-eaters far in the distance. 'Why did Starclan allow this? I mean...a lot of cats have already died...why? Though, they weren't dead for long. I hope to find safety for our clans. I don't want anymore cats here or anywhere else, to die.' I thought. A mew interrupted my thoughts. "Stormstar? Are you alright?" Kestrelfight had asked me. I realized I was still staring at the flesh-eaters with wide eyes. I look to Kestrelflight and nod slowly as I come back to reality. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you Kestrelflight for asking." I nodded to him again. "Are you sure? You don't seem like yourself." Kestrelflight tilted his head questioningly. "Oh..Yeah. I've just been thinking about things." I confessed. "Would you like to talk about it?" Kestrelflight asked. "I mean, there really isn't anything to talk about honestly. I have just been thinking why Starclan would allow this...Cats from all clans have already died, and why? 'Because it was their time to die?' NO! They came back afterward so what's the point in taking them? We need to find safety for our clans, otherwise more and more cats will die. And I don't want that to happen." I finished as I look around the huge group of cats, that are softly sleeping. I sigh and walk over to a tree.

I sit down under the tree as Kestrelflight followed. "I understand what you mean. But I dont think they are the ones coming back, I think it's something else taking them over. Like the dark forest!" He suggested and continued, "I think they are going to Starclan and leaving their...bodies behind." He finished. I looked at him, not thinking of it that way. I nod and said, "But what I still dont understand is that why would Starclan take them in the first place?" I asked him. Kestrelflight then sat down at that. "I think its because they probably have suffered enough in the past, you know. So they are taking them so they dont have to suffer anymore. I mean I love my sister Spiralriver. But if anyone or thing comes near her, I wont be afraid to sacrifice my life for her. And Spiralriver and I are the same for you Stormstar." He finished as I was shocked. I shook my head and fur. "Thank you Kestrelflight. I really do appreciate your loyalty. I will always appreciate you, and your sister." I said as I heard the groaning get closer. I started waking everyone up. That's when I realized all the small details of where we were at. We were surrounded by a small flowing river and there was tiny sharp rocks instead of grass. 'I don't know how we slept on this ground. It is so sharp that even my paws are bleeding. And there are so many sticks from dying trees. I don't think my paws can handle this. And not to mention there was so much thick seaweed everywhere. It's so disgusting-'  That's when I thought of it. Sharp objects might kill the rotten creatures! "Everyone! Follow what I do, I have an idea!" I yowled quietly but loud enough to where everyone heard me. I grabbed a thick enough stick and some seaweed. I grabbed a sharp rock and large enough, I held down the stick as I lined the rock up with the stick. I wrapped the seaweed around the rock and the stick, tightening it, I picked it up and showed everyone what I have created. "It' enough to kill them!" I growled as I showed it to the group, I was of course on the outside of the group and I held it up with my muzzle and mouth.  "Stormstar look out!!!" An apprentice from Iceclan screamed. I looked behind me as a rotten cat walked toward me, I screeched as I swung around and pointed the sharp end at the cat. It didn't even back up as I warned it, it just kept walking towards me as it's neck got stabbed even though I was holding the stick still. I growled as it tried to attack me. Then, Shadowstorm raced over to me with his own stick and plunged it into the cats side. He growled as he took it out because  it wasn't that deep. He the bowled the rotten cat over and it took me along with it. I growled and got up as I step forward to grab my stick but the rotten cat kept trying  to bite at me, I walked around it and stepped on the back of its head and grabbed the stick with my teeth and pulled viciously. I ripped it out and as I did I stumbled forward and screeched as the stick went through it's head. It stopped groaning and moving as I did so, I scoffed in surprise. "So that's how you kill it!" I roll my eyes and ripped it out once again but I couldn't because it was stuck. Shadowstorm walked over and gripped his teeth lower than mine, helping me rip it out. "Thanks!" I mewed to him and he gave me a half smile as he nodded and padded away. 

Everyone was awake by the time we killed the cat. "So, I had an idea of how to kill the rotten flesh-eaters." I mewed to the group as they gathered around me. "You have to pierce it into the skull in order to actually kill it!! And, you have to have something sharp enough to do so." The group of cats murmured as they heard what I was saying. I roll my eyes in frustration as a cat yowls out, "What if it doesn't work all the time and we almost die because of you?!" The cat stepped forward, it was Rosetuft. I snarl and step to Rosetuft as she cowardly backs down. "'What if it doesn't work all the time'" I mocked her. I usually wasn't this rude but I was done with all the complaining from the others. "So what? You're going to die either way, sooner or later." I said as I looked away. Rosetuft took a shakily step towards me as I seen it from the corner of my eye, I snapped my head in her direction. Instead of being muzzle to muzzle with Rosetuft, I find myself muzzle to muzzle with Icestar. I gasp in surprise as I see her. "Do we need to have a talk, Stormstar?" Icestar has asked me. I shake my head with a straight face, a non changed mood. "No, we don't." I say with a hint of a growl in my voice. I padded away from her as she then snarled at me. I whipped around and in her direction. "Do YOU have a problem with how I am acting?!" I snarl a warning at her to show her not to mess with me. She snarled once again as she walked toward me with tense pawsteps. "Yes, in fact, I do." Icestar said with her teeth bared. I crouch in a defense position as everyone around me gasped with anticipation, afraid that there was about to be a fight going to go down. I stare dominatingly into Icestar's eyes, not moving one inch.

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