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Hey guys! I am so sorry for the lack of chapters and shorter writings. I have had school here recently and trying to catch up on my work. So! Please comment down below what you like of this so far! Don't be afraid to offer some suggestions on how to make my book better! I always loved being a writer and of course, I am a newbie at this so suggestions would definetly help! If you don't want to sound rude trying to give a suggestion, just go ahead and say it! I barely take things the rude way, trust me I'll understand. But thank you guys so much for checking out my book! Please share it around, I would deeply appreciate that! Like, vote, comment, and enjoy!!

I also would like to let you guys know, that I have notifications on for this app so if you spam me with comments that would be absolutely fantastic! Especially with great tips and more! So please, enjoy the book. I will NOT force you to do anything. I promise that I am just here to make fun books for you guys to read. I might JUST might stop it here or after the next chapter that I have in store! You guys tell me! Shoould I stop and ditch this or keep going?!

Stormstar's Curse (Zombie Warrior Cats)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora