Chapter Ten

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Hawkpaw's POV

I widen my eyes as I am woken up by snarls and growls, as if a fight was going on. I get up and walk over to the group that was circled around, 'I think was two cats?' I think. I shake out my pelt as I then stretch and yawn. I push through the crowd, saying 'excuse me' everytime I push against someone. I am at the front of the crowd as I see Stormstar crouched in a defense position and Icestar a tail-length away from her in an attack position. I gasp as I then run out. "What is going on!?" I hiss at the two, respectfully. I needed to know what was going on before an unessecary fight went down. Stormstar looks at me then back at Icestar. "Ask that shecat over there. She is the one who started this." She mewed to me. I look over at Icestar, my leader, and pad over to her. "Well?" I ask. Icestar stands up fully, hovering over me. I don't flinch as she doesn't scare me. "Stormstar, is being mousebrained." Icestar had finally said. I sigh as I then shake my head. I look up at her as I then sit down. "What happened?" I asked them both. Stormstar stood up then sat down, and mewed, "I was showing the group a technique that finally killed the flesh-eaters. And then 'smart' Icestar here," She mocked as she said Smart. "Decided that after Rosetuft spoke up and I backed her down, that she could fight me." She finished what she had said. I close my eyes and shake my head. 'They are acting like siblings, that are kits!!' I growl inside my head. "Oh My Starclan." I say and they both look at me. "Icestar, grow up, please. Rosetuft, respect leader's decisions. Stormstar, be more....Nicer?" I suggest to all of them. "I am usually nice, she just set me off." Stormstar had said. That must've sparked Icestar because she then snarled and said, "Nice?! You call this being nice?!?!?" She then leapt over me and in front of Stormstar. "You are a foxheart!!!" She said as she hovered in front of Stormstar. Stormstar then fluffed up her pelt, making her look bigger. But she then stood up and you could obviously see the muscles ripling underneath her pelt. I gasp as I realized a fight was about to happen if I didnt stop it quickly. Stormstar now hovered over Icestar, Icestar gasps as she was no match for Stormstar, but she then said, "I don't care how big or tough you are, you are probably mousebrained when it comes to movement." Icestar growled. Stormstar snarled, baring her teeth and launched at her, bowling Icestar over. Icestar yelped in surprise as she wasn't expecting Stormstar to make the move first.

I am frozen in place as I am watching two leaders fight each other, over a few simple words being said and done.  Stormstar slashed Icestar's flank and she yelped in pain as Icestar then unsheathed her claws and slashed Stormstar's cheek and side. Stormstar leapt onto Icestar, snarling menacingly. I didn't know how to confront fighting leaders so, instead, "STOP!!!" I yowled at the top of my lungs. Stormstar had Icestar pinned with her claws digging into her shoulders. They were both breathing heavily as they were obviously going on for about a 15 minutes. I scowl at them as I demanded Stormstar to get off of Icestar. "Stormstar, How childish are you? Words are words, there is nothing you can really do. You can't control her or how she acts, but you can control you, so that means stop yourself and realize how you are acting." I had said as I shook my head and glanced over at Shadowstorm, he had this...smug grin on his face like he was planning something deviously. I heard murmuring at the back of the crowd as I seen Miststar, Swanfeather, Boulderstar, and Rockyspark walking towards the front of the group with prey. "What is happening?" Miststar had asked, completely confused and dumbfounded. "You act as if it isn't obvious!" I heard Shadowstorm mew to her. I walk over to Stormstar and Icestar, who were tail-lengths away from each other and only Icestar had her head bowed down in shame. I look at Stormstar and she held her head high, as if she didn't care what had just happened. I sigh and explain to the two leaders and deputies. They were surprised that something like this would actually happen between two leaders. I shake my head. "It was kittish. They shouldn't have acted like that. They should have known that to respect each other! But they were being kits and decided to fight!" I had said and sat down. 

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